Acceptance by seth
sethof hendersonville's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2017 scholarship contest
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Acceptance by seth - March 2017 Scholarship Essay
Throughout high school any and every student will be exposed to a variety of things: drugs, sex, and general temptation, just to list a few. As people we seek these short term satisfactions to achieve one typical goal, acceptance. Everyone wants to feel as though they are wanted, and what better way to achieve that than to do what everyone else is doing? Strength in numbers, as they would believe. Many people don't actually seek enjoyment from these things, they simply do them to fit in; to feel accepted.
Throughout my high school experience I've prided myself on my sense of variety and lack of enemies in my school.This has allowed me to view many different opinions and outlooks, because of this I would adjust my opinions from what they actually were to appease who I was with at the time. Eventually the people I was with caught on and this lead them to believe that I was two faced, spurring problems for me for a long period of time. In actuality I was afraid to show them what I actually felt, this fear led me to develop skew opinions and no real personal opinion of my own.
The solution to this is a lot simpler than you might believe. To truly be free of this all you have to do is believe in yourself. That might just sound like a cat poster, but it's is true. We live in a society where you have the liberty to speak what you believe. If you truly believe something don't let others stop you from pursuing it. Be undaunted, relentless even, until you realize what it is your seeking. If some people doubt you along the way, thats ok. Not everyone will support you always and they have a right to do so. Shrug them off and move on. As long as you project this mentality others will follow and eventually maybe society will learn respect for one another. Then we can have a judgement free world. In this world we can find true acceptance.