A True Leader is Truthful by savalas

savalasof Plano's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2017 scholarship contest

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savalas of Plano, TX
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A True Leader is Truthful by savalas - February 2017 Scholarship Essay

Learning comes from a combination of experiences and others examples.
Growing up in a large family my older sister was my guide for making my choices. She chose to do whatever she wanted without regard for the consequences for her or others. As a younger brother, I saw her as a leader. She discouraged me from telling the truth when she knew our parents would be upset with us.
When I matured, I realized that not telling the truth resulted in worse consequences-and guilt in the pit of my stomach. I decided that I would always try to tell the truth even when I knew I would suffer negative consequences. In addition, I decided to become a positive leader for my five younger siblings so they could learn to make good choices. My decision to be a good role model for them caused me to benefit also.
Now that I practice truth, I don't feel guilty and worried about stumbling over lies. The relief and the admiration I receive from others makes it worthwhile. Being a leader, I fully understand the quality of being positive and spreading positivity to my siblings, parents, friends, and people who is suffering with negative energy. My job is to show the world that good will always overcome negative spirits.
