2016 Resolution to Become a Better Student by Samantha

Samanthaof Carbondale's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2016 scholarship contest

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2016 Resolution to Become a Better Student by Samantha - January 2016 Scholarship Essay

New year’s Resolution Scholarship
Samantha Quinn
Jan 8th 2016
2016 Resolution to Become a Better Student
We always hear about New Year’s resolutions concerning going on a diet or to get in shape. One resolution we do not hear enough about is being a better student. A few kids may say they want to get better grades or be involved more; these are great but they do not get to the root of the problem. I think that a great New Year’s resolution is to take better care of myself so I can be a better student during 2016. Meditation is a good way to better myself because it is a great way to relieve stress, increase immunity, and increase focus.
Many students get stressed, whether it is good stress or bad stress, but when talking about school it is usually bad stress. Because stress is so common most people do not really think that it is bad. Sleep issues and memory complications can occur because someone is stressed out. Neither of these issues help people become better students; in fact it does just the opposite. Stress happens when cortisol, a hormone, is released from the adrenal gland. The hormone can reduce the function of the immune system and increase blood sugar production. Having stress is a natural response, but having less can help me become a better student.
Along with relieving stress, meditation can increase immunity. Stress and immunity go hand in hand. When someone is stressed their immunity is compromised. Their body is trying to deal with all the extra stress by lowering other body functions. With a lowered immune system people are more likely to get sick. When students are sick their studying skills lower and they are less motivated because they do not feel well.
When talking about school, being focused is a huge deal. If a student is not focused during class they may miss important material or during a test they may miss easy questions. Meditation increases focus by increasing mental strength. It is good exercise for the brain. The brain is a giant muscle, and just like any other muscle, it grows as you exercise it. A big brain is very helpful when trying to study for the upcoming chemistry test because after meditation you will be able to retain more information.
Resolutions come in many type of variations. One that is very important is being a better student. Getting better grades and being more involved can be more easily accomplished if one is relaxed, focused, and healthy. These are the reasons that in order to become a better student in 2016 I want to meditate more often.
