The Importance of Leadership in College by Raven

Ravenof MILWAUKEE's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2015 scholarship contest

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The Importance of Leadership in College by Raven - March 2015 Scholarship Essay

Leadership skills in college are very important if you want to succeed because it shows that you can be yourself and true to yourself, it shows a sense of maturity, and you’ll be more successful in the future. There is a leader inside everyone, but everyone doesn't tap into their inner leader and do the task to becoming a great leader. There are many different leaders, but with each different leader all of them have the important qualities it takes to be a great leader. Leadership is having the ambition to reach a goal, being able to help their self along with others, grow physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

Being yourself and true to you, is something that involves being a leader because in order to be a leader you must know you and be you in order to lead. If someone doesn't know who they are then it will be so easy for them to follow others instead of them leading. Even if a person doesn't know who they are then professors and other colleagues won’t respect that person and take them seriously. Professors want to see that you are your own person and if they see this then they might give you opportunities to act out your leadership skills. In college there are many opportunities for students to be leaders but if you don’t show the skills then they won’t want you for the job.

With great leadership comes great responsibility and if you don’t show leadership how will people see that you’re responsible. Being responsible also shows your maturity and it takes that to be a great leader. In college there are times where situations come up and you have to respond is a mature manner where when people think of you they can say that you are a leader. Also, with maturity and responsibility when people see, they will want to respect you in your leadership. College is a place where you have to take care of business and act as if you were in the workforce. When entering into the workforce of your career your supervisor wants to see if you’re leader and can handle certain responsibilities.

Having a bright future is why leadership skills are needed while attending college. Faculty and staff at any University are looking for students who show leadership material. They are willing to help those who show the skills of leadership succeed not only while in college but also when you graduate. I’ve been told by a faculty member that if you ever need help but in the past you lack leadership then they won’t help. If you possess skills of leadership in college it then follows you to wherever you go when finished with college. College is a preparation for the real world and so having leadership in college will get you very far in the future.

Leadership skills may come naturally to some people but anybody can learn leadership as long as they do the work. In leadership, you have to be ambition and determination in order to lead a group or even just one person. Leadership skills are necessary for college success because it shows that you can be yourself and true to yourself, it shows a sense of maturity, and you’ll be more successful in the future. Even if not in a leadership position, being a leader is still important because even without being in that position, people are still watching even with you knowing.
