What Algebra Taught Me about Turning Failure Into Success by Nadia

Nadiaof Fort Worth's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2017 scholarship contest

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Nadia of Fort Worth, TX
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What Algebra Taught Me about Turning Failure Into Success by Nadia - February 2017 Scholarship Essay

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, failure is a noun that means not succeeding at performing a duty or action; however, I view failure as an action verb. Failure is something that I feel I have experienced so far due to a lack of action on my part. Fortunately, I learned from my failure the first time, and succeeded the second time.
Everyone views failure according to their own opinion and/or situation. Risking something can either lead to success or it can lead to failure. If you fail that doesn’t mean you have to stop trying. It means you have to try harder and/or try a different approach the next time, because you aren’t always going to be right the first time. Failure is not meeting an objective, but it can be viewed as a challenge to be overcome.
For example, I failed my algebra class and had to take it twice. I didn’t learn the first time I took algebra like all of my other classmates. The second time I took algebra I changed my approach to learning and studying. I started going to tutoring, asking my teacher for help, turning in assignments on time, and actually doing my homework. In other words, I actually started trying harder and studying more.
I think it was good for me to fail because everyone fails at some point in their lives. A positive response to failing will help us achieve success. Failing helped me a lot because it challenged me to do better the next time.
This really helped me to try harder and do better in school and not to make the same mistakes I made when I failed my algebra class. This helped me realize that it is okay to make a mistake as long as I learn from it. Many professionals failed something such as Thomas Edison. He made over a thousand mistakes before successfully making the light bulb work.
It’s not nice to fail, but it happens to everyone. When I failed algebra it taught me to change my approach and to try harder. This experience taught me a lesson that will impact the way I live the rest of my life.
