The Come Up by Mya

Myaof Thomasville 's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2017 scholarship contest

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Mya of Thomasville , NC
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The Come Up by Mya - February 2017 Scholarship Essay

On August 25, 2014, I started my sophomore year of high school. On this day I received the most alarming wake-up call I have ever had thus far. At around 7:45 a.m., I walked into the cafeteria along with the other excited underclassmen and took my sit at the booth where I spotted my friends. For a couple of minutes, we compared our schedules trying to figure out if we had any classes together and our lunch schedules. In the mist of the conversation, I noticed I had Advanced Placement United States History, for third block, with a teacher who was known for his strictness and his tough grading. For the purpose of this essay I will name this teacher Mr. Thomas.
My day was going by fast and first and second block quickly pasted. It was now time to face Mr. Thomas and the rigorous curriculum for myself. I walked in the classroom with an open mind feeling confident and ready to work. I took my sit in the front of the class and at 11:15 a.m. the tardy bell rang. Mr. Thomas’s presence was slightly intimidating and his voice was demanding. As Mr. Thomas went over the syllabus, gave background about himself, and discussed questions us students had, I knew right then the class was going to be a challenge for myself.
As the class progressed, I felt the raft of taking an AP class and not being use to studying. I never seemed to accomplish the results I wanted on pop quizzes and tests and I felt lost but also determined to do better in the class. Weeks went by slowly and grades were being posted faster and faster. It was now time for reports cards and I dreaded going to homeroom to retrieve mine. Deep in my heart I knew I had not made the grade I should have made in AP U.S. History and when I looked at the paper I seen a 84. I was in awe and disappointed in myself. I had never made a C in my life and felt I had failed myself and my family.
The year went on and I continued to work hard and ask questions in the class. I watched YouTube videos, studied flash cards, and stayed after school to make sure I did not make anything below a B in that class. At the end of the year, I had the highest grade average in the class and the feeling was great. Making a C really forced me to put my goals first and has helped me to remember hard work pays off. From that situation I learned how to take control of my education.
