A Chance to Change the World by Mia

Miaof Sterling's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2015 scholarship contest

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Mia of Sterling, VI
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A Chance to Change the World by Mia - April 2015 Scholarship Essay

A blank slate. We’ve all heard it before; the often-desired chance to simply start anew. What we deign to remember is that every individual receives this at birth. We all, in a sense, enter on the same playing field. The factor that shapes us and determines the outcome of our individual futures is the gift of education. Lifelong education is something that we all partake in. The role education plays in one’s success is irrefutable. In the end it is what causes us to grow into intellectual, thought-provoking members of society. It allows us to fulfill our dreams and help improve the world around us.

While this sentiment has been proved time and time again, many students don’t always appreciate their easy access to education. It has become tainted with the perception of mindless memorization and regurgitation of facts. It has lost some of its wonder in the eyes of the students of the 21st century. We are told to go to school, study hard, go to college, and get a job. A process with little room for interpretation. We have long lost the true purpose of education. What people often forget is that education is what allows us to think critically and work to better society. At the end of the day it is not about the letter on the top of your paper or the 100 vocabulary words you just memorized for your Spanish quiz. What you receive through exposure to different subjects and people, is a skill set which sets a path for your future.

Education, no matter how it is acquired, should be an empowering process. Those partaking should learn not only to think critically, but to identify and pursue their passions. It should be used to cultivate one’s character; to enable individuals to reach their full potential as human beings, individually and as members of a society. This is the true purpose of education: to entice us to reach for and sift through as much information as we can acquire; to quench an undeniable sense of curiosity for how the world works; to answer our questions no matter how trivial or insurmountable; to teach us to yearn for the experiences of which we could only imagine. With an open mind and an access to knowledge, we have the tools we need to make a difference.

The acceptance of the true purpose of education is crucial to lay a foundation to create significant and meaningful change. As we set forward to become politicians, activists, doctors, engineers, or artists, with the right education we will not only be able to achieve our individual goals, but work toward the betterment of society. Nelson Mandela famously said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” With such an abundant access to education we must challenge ourselves to learn daily. We can all make a difference with the right mindset. Will you be the next one to change to the world?
