The Power of Positivity by Madeline

Madelineof Farmville's entry into Varsity Tutor's July 2017 scholarship contest

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Madeline of Farmville, VA
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The Power of Positivity by Madeline - July 2017 Scholarship Essay

How many times have you heard that age old saying about if the glass half-empty or half-full? Have you ever wondered if staying positive actually helps you in a negative situation? Some dismiss positive thinking as nothing more than being overly cheerful and not accepting the facts that are looking you straight in the face. While others believe that thinking positively combined with a great work ethic can not only help you succeed in life but improved your overall health as well.
I believe that positive thinking is much more than just being perky or displaying a great attitude. Positive thoughts can actually help you create a better life for yourself and those around you, along with giving people skills they would never have been able to attain had they have been more negative.
Have you ever had a friend that makes everything seem so great? They're the kind of friend where everything seems to go so right for them? Where they could be just walking around in the freezing rain but instead of keeping their head down sulking they manage to find a great café that serves the best hot cocoa you’ve ever tasted? Or maybe they’ve been stuck in an insanely long line in an amusement park for hours but they somehow meet a wonderful girl who they end up dating and eventually marrying. Just how do they do it?
Most would dismiss this as pure luck, and that their friend's attitude has nothing to do with all these wonderful things happening to them. Heck, they probably have such a good attitude because these things are happening to them. However, more and more researchers are disagreeing with this theory and are determined to prove that positivity does impact people's lives for the better.
Many researchers agree that being positive tends to open people up to many new skills and possibilities. This is most commonly referred to as the “broaden and build” theory because positive emotions tend to broaden your sense of possibilities and give you an open mindset, which allows you to build new skills and resources that can provide a positive impact on your life. However, if you had been more negative your mindset may have been much more closed, not allowing you to venture out and meet more people or gain any new skills in the process.
Now let's think of that other friend we all have. That one who's texts you dread answering because you know they'll have something else to complain about today. That friend is the one that leaves you feeling down or stressed after you talk to them. They're the kind of person who could be walking on a sunny beautiful beach in the Carribean and do nothing but complain about the heat. Or manage to meet a supermodel in person but don’t even attempt to talk to her. Negativity affects us just as much as positivity, but with polar opposite results.
So next time you think to yourself if the glass is half-empty or half-full, you may want to reconsider the more positive choice.
