The Importance of Asking by Maddy

Maddyof Boise's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2017 scholarship contest

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The Importance of Asking by Maddy - March 2017 Scholarship Essay

When I was in junior high, I had an extremely hard time with my studying and classes in school. I came from a small private elementary and was pretty shell shocked at public school- the curriculum, the topics, and the study habits were all so different. I started to fall behind and lose my motivation to do well in school, because I was so discouraged with what I didn't understand. Everyone around me seemed to do just fine, and I found myself constantly comparing myself- and constantly upset at my results. I didn't realize at the time the solution to my issue, but now, as an early high school graduate, I know the key to success; asking questions.

I know, I know.. you might be thinking, "well... obviously!". You have to understand- I felt like I wasn't of equal intelligence to my classmates, and gradually stopped asking for clarification for fear of being "dumb". I was scared of what others thought about me, rather than being concerned for my comprehension. Over time, I had to catch up on assignments and re-do tests, as well as spend extra time studying. It took me a couple of years, but I finally understand the importance of asking questions, putting forth the effort in your study habits, and making sure you understand a subject before "tricking" yourself into thinking you understand. Comprehension is key, initiative is imperative, and understanding is of utmost importance. The only way to truly succeed is to ask the questions you have. Without clarity, there is no ability to flourish. Be sure to give yourself room to grow, and don't be afraid to ask.
