Take Action Against Cyber bullying. by kieraa
kieraaof Ypsilanti 's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2017 scholarship contest
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Take Action Against Cyber bullying. by kieraa - March 2017 Scholarship Essay
The important topic I would give a speech about to a school-wide audience would be about cyber bullying. I chose cyber bullying because in today’s society were mostly teens use social media like Facebook, Instagram, and twitter to either bully someone or record harming themselves because of being bullied is a problem that needs to come to an end.
Cyber bullying happens more commonly than we image, the pictures and side comments we make are all bullying. In our society females are more likely to be bullied than males. They are bullied on their appearance rather they are short, tall, skinny, or fat. If a male is being bullied it is based upon his manhood. American teens that are being bullied today feel afraid, and sad they do not want to be seen in public. After feeling this way they tend to feel alone and outcast from the world. Regarding this, this does not just affect the victims but it also affect the people around them who loves them.
Although, there are a ton of people who wants to stop cyber bullying; there are still thousands of people whom are becoming bystanders. Furthermore, bystanders are one of the many factors that play a huge role when it comes to bullying. Why? Because they are the bullies audience. If we can stop becoming bystanders and help the victims we can stop cyber bullying. It is important to delete cyber bullying because it is harassment. The victims feels less than a human therefore harming themselves to make the pain go away. Defeating cyber bullying can end one of the most leading teen death and make the world a better place to live in.