it should be a right by Kaylee

Kaylee's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2021 scholarship contest

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it should be a right by Kaylee - January 2021 Scholarship Essay

Education should be a right. We should all have that equal footing and change to improve in life. At the very least it should be that way for children, they deserve to have an education. Despite all the wishing however, I know its a privilege to have an education in America.
Let’s start with why it should be a right. Education is very important for people to make good decisions in the future. It teaches them about their past, and how to not repeat it. It teaches them the basic language and writing skills needed in most jobs. It teaches the math skills needed to understand budget in the adult world, and how to calculate sales. Education also teaches them how to work together, how to rely on others when you need to. It builds the stepping stones to decide what they want to pursue in life.
Education for adults is just as important, as it opens up more opportunities for them in the future. Education can be specialized in college to teach them the things they need to know for their career path. Education is the standing ground in which people build their lives off of. It should be a right for everyone to have that equal amount of education, to have that equal chance to thrive.
Sadly, education isn’t a right. It is a privilege that most can’t afford. Poorer communities struggle to have the same education richer communities do. Some can’t afford preschool, an important education that gives kids a head start into learning. Schools are imbalanced. In richer communities, public and private schools have more funding. This allows them to have more variety in their classes, activities, and teaching methods. Schools in poorer communities don't have that luxury. The schools can only afford the basic classes, and teachers aren't paid enough to be able to teach the classes the best they can. The kids in poorer schools are at a disadvantage than the richer schools.
This imbalance isn't just for children though. It is actually a lot more apparent in adulthood. Just look at the college education. Tuition can range from $11,000 to $30,000 a year, and that's not counting the cost for food and living as well. Most students have to apply for loans and scholarships to even afford the chance at this education. Others are privileged enough that they don't have to worry about that. They don't have to worry about the chance that all that money they spent, and time used was for the wrong career path. Many people can't afford college altogether. They have to live their lives struggling to afford just living.
Education should be a right. It should give everyone the opportunity to go further in life, whether they choose to pursue further education or not. Sadly that isn't the reality right now. It is a privilege to get a good education, and many struggle to even get that chance. I hope that in the future, we can work to make it a right to all.
