Leadership in college by Kairis

Kairisof Honolulu's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2015 scholarship contest

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Kairis of Honolulu, HI
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Leadership in college by Kairis - March 2015 Scholarship Essay

The definition of leadership is leading a group or an organization, but to me it also means being able to lead yourself in the right path and having the motivation to never give up. Having leadership skills is a very important quality to have, not only in college but in life! I know from experience that there will be many times where people need to take initiative to get things done. Without leadership skills, you won't be able to voice your opinion and inspire others to do well also.

Leadership skills are important in college because there will be lots of essays and homework as well as group work, therefore, you need to know how to lead yourself and others when needed. If you're put into a random group and someone isn't willing to participate or do their part, they need someone who will put them in check and motivate them to get what needs to be done or else you'll fail as a group. With this quality of leading, you'll be able to speak out in debates, steer group projects/work on the right path, improve public speaking, contribute ideas, and inspire others. Being able to accomplish all of these important factors, it'll feel way easier to pass your classes. You'll also feel more organized and be able to focus better. Your self-esteem will also rise due to being able to inspire someone. Trust me, I have this friend who highly represents the definition of leadership and she motivates me to get things done with neat quality work, and take initiative for myself.

I am still in high school, but I am taking a college class at Hawaii Pacific University thanks to my Academy of Hospitality and Tourism class. Right now I am enrolled in Humanities 1000, and it is not what I expected it to be like at all. There is a lot of reading, class discussions, debates, essays, and speeches that I have a tough time understanding. I'm grateful because it was free and gave me an idea of what college is like. As for the class itself, I'm not as fond of it but that's life for you. Anyways, the people in my class are very diverse but a lot of them are well-spoken and have good leadership skills. I always observe them and they aren't afraid to speak their mind and get things done to pass the class. They understand everything and can contribute their wise ideas to everyone. I really admire that and try to do my best to put myself out there and not care what others may think of my thoughts. Many of them are sophomores, juniors, or seniors in college so they are very experienced and probably obtained their skills throughout their college years because they know that's what it takes to pass.

College is different from high school, in a lot of ways. There is more freedom but it takes a lot of responsibility to do things on your own because there will be no one to hold your hand anymore. You need to make sure you are passing your classes in order to succeed in life, in order to do that you must understand what's going on and complete all of your assignments. There are also a lot of group activity, you can't be afraid or unconfident in your thoughts and ideas. I've experienced that before, and it does not feel well! You need to confident with your leadership skills and participate as much as you can. Life's too short to hold back.

Starting college will be scary but as time passes, I feel that everyone is capable of developing leadership. You have to put yourself out there and just take control. After all we are paying a lot of money to attend college, so might as well do the best you can. I myself am constantly trying to improve on my leadership skills and focus on what I need to do. I can't be insecure anymore because the real world is soon to come.
