Failures only turns into achievements by Janell

Janellof Rosenberg's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2017 scholarship contest

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Janell of Rosenberg, TX
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Failures only turns into achievements by Janell - February 2017 Scholarship Essay

Everyone has failed at one point in their life from first moment on learning how to ride a bike all the way to not living their life to the fullest. However, just because someone fails at something does not mean one should give up they should learn from their mistake  e and succeed from it. I have failed at multiple things in my life, but I have never gave up on myself I learn from every mistake. One of my main failures changed my life and personality forever. 
During the second grade I struggled a lot in my reading and math. I was never a good reader due to the fact that I had ADHD and a speech impenitent. I received tutoring to help me with my reading, but it helped a little. However I still failed my reading and had to attend summer school. I remembered crying to my mother because I felt like I was not smart enough. I passed my second grade during summer school, but my parents made the decision to still hold me back another year.I remember my peers laughing at me when they seen me in the second grade again. Just because I failed did not mean I should gave up on pushing myself.Failing the second grade showed me how I could improve on my education.I took this failure and made a positive outcome out of it.My parents asked my first grade teacher if she would be willing to tutor me after school or before school.She was delighted to tutor me and help me succeed my second year as a second grader. Everyday after school I went to her class and she help me read chapter books before I knew it was finally reading at a second grade level.I felt like give up when I could not say a word right, but I told myself I can show everyone I can do it. After failing my first year with a sixty I passed my second year with an high eighty.Till this day I am thankful for that one failure because I do not think I would be where I am today.Now I take English AP and I have pushed my day every day since then to become a better reader.  
Just because one failure in my life did not make me give up it helped push me into an amazing AP student in high school.Till this day I look back at the days felt like giving up on myself and remember on the hard work I have put into my education and reading in general. No one should ever feel discourage due to one failure they should learn from this failure and push themselves to go above and beyond to over come their failure.
