The Correlation Between Leadership Skills And College Success by Grant
Grantof Cookeville's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2015 scholarship contest
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The Correlation Between Leadership Skills And College Success by Grant - March 2015 Scholarship Essay
When one hears the term "Leadership Skills", they would define it as the skills required to be a great leader such as integrity, good communication skills, confidence, and a positive attitude. While one person could be learning these skills at a minimum wage job from the manager who hired them, one other person could be learning these skills during their college career. With so many clubs being offered in colleges and universities nowadays, there are so many different opportunities to begin learning the fundamentals of being a leader, and with that statement leadership skills should be implemented into college success.
If schools decided to make leadership skills mandatory into earning a degree, it would be more beneficial to people looking for jobs right after they graduate. Let's picture a situation where a college did decide that leadership skills are mandatory towards your degree. It wouldn't be that hard to find a teacher or professor to teach, because if teachers can handle teaching a simple subject, they are capable of teaching leadership. Besides that, after a student graduate, they have already learned certain aspects which would qualify them for higher paid and maintenance sort of job. Though the manager who is looking at the applicant's skills and application might find some competition in the work force, he or she will feel the applicant is better suited for a job rather than someone who has no leadership practice whatsoever.
Another benefit to making leadership skills mandatory, imagine if the college graduate decided to run their own business. Sure it may sound risky and tedious, but with the necessary skills, it can be simply done. Managers in their own business need to be great leaders, and with just a degree, they only have they basics learned. With leadership skills being prompted into it, much more skills can make the job of running your own work force go by so much smoother. In a real life example, convict Jordan Belfort began his career life on Wall Street at age 24. He didn't become his own boss until two years later with his own company. Honestly, do you think he could have started sooner if Leadership Skills were a mandatory piece of education?
Lastly, this shall be just a recap of all of what was said in the previous paragraphs. Schools allowing leadership skills into part of the degree criteria will have beneficial side effects. If these beneficial side effects also went into effect, it could also result in an easier workforce for the whole United States, and simpler for the employees employed under these fresher and brighter managers.