Thanks, Choir. by Grant

Grantof Newbury Park's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2013 scholarship contest

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Grant of Newbury Park, CA
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Thanks, Choir. by Grant - December 2013 Scholarship Essay

I am in choir. I don’t see much point in going to school besides attending music theory and choir, and it honestly hurts me on a fundamental level that the government sees music as extra—something to study only after you have completed the required work.

Perhaps it is more society that bothers me rather than government, after all our government is just trying to protect us. But society is the one that describes extracurricular activities as being completed “for school.” I think it is clear whom I am referring to.

I don’t participate in choir for school. In fact being in choir actually gives me a much lower GPA than I would have if I hadn’t taken the course. I would like to believe that this is a simple mistake in the system and not intentional.

No, I participate in choir because I love every second I am in that choir room—every kilosecond. It is actually becoming difficult to differentiate whether I love singing in choir or whether I hate the absence of any scrap of musicality in the world while not singing in choir. Rather, that is the world around my hometown. We can just conclude by saying there is very little for a musician to do on the weekends, or perhaps very little worth listening to.

I love choir more than I have ever loved any non-family related entity for the duration of my existence. The greatest gift that choir has given me is the experience of feeling that amount of intense emotions. It saddens me that there is nothing I can do to return the wonderful gift that choir gave me.

