what drive us by Genesis

Genesisof kissimmee's entry into Varsity Tutor's July 2017 scholarship contest

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Genesis of kissimmee, FL
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what drive us by Genesis - July 2017 Scholarship Essay

There are thousands of Ted talks online ranging from entertainment purposes to a variety of educational video in mathematics, chemistry, and many other challenging subjects. Each of these videos are tuned in by thousands if not millions of people whether they be students, educators or even a common pedestrians. So I have to wonder if I were to give a Ted talk what would it be on? the answer is simple motivation.

To begin with there are hundreds of students who struggle with concepts taught in school and speaking from experience I know how hard it is to have the rest of the class understand Moler mass and be the lone wolf who feels that I am not smart enough to understand the concept, at that moment it would be so easy to give up to just fail the test or drop the course out of frustration sometimes students need a little push knowing that there are others who have faith in them that there are others who have had the same experiences as them when they don't understand a concept. In my Ted talk I would give personal examples of how I've almost given up but due to motivation, I kept moving forward. In my Ted talk, I would portray motivation as one of the most powerful weapons of the mind and how keeping oneself motivated anything could be accomplished. I would begin with an example from my sophomore year in high school when I was ready to quit chemistry despite the fact I would need it in the future for my career, I would describe to the audience my struggles and how I couldn't grasp the concept, how one night in my bedroom studying I ended up throwing my chemistry book across the room but when I threw that book across the room I remembered my life goal to be a pharmacist. It was then when I had remembered my goal that I picked up the book went online and watched every video possible on moles and molar mass until the test came at the end due to motivating myself with a goal I was able to score a 92% on the test.

Aside from struggling students, there may be educators such as any substitute teacher who need the motivation to not give up when students disrespect them and simply don't follow their directions since they aren't the appointed teacher for the class. In my video I would provide the example of my geometry class freshman year when my class did not have a teacher for months, I would describe how not many of the students listened to her and most of the class flunked the geometry final. Any person would have given up but at the end of the year when he was packing her stuff to leave A friend and I gave her a Thankyou note which apologized for the class and their demeanor, the teacher began crying and hugged us goodbye and said she wouldn't let that experience change her part of me believes that the note we gave her pushed her forward to give teaching another shot.

After giving my two real world examples of motivation I would explain to the audience how being motivated it the key to success. If one is not motivated to do something the would never leave their house to find a job or even to go to school. I would then move on to telling the audience to find out what motivates them and to hold on to that. By holding on to what motivates them they will be ensured productivity and have learned the key to being successful at anything.
