The Importance of Respect by Emma
Emmaof De Pere's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2017 scholarship contest
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The Importance of Respect by Emma - March 2017 Scholarship Essay
Respect? Nowadays, respect seems to be a lost-cause: gone without anyone knowing why or where. This is why respect needs to be not something of the past, but instead, of the future.
In today’s world, there are so many negative acts and crimes being committed that it is clear to see how inhumanely people around the world are being treated. All anyone ever seems to hear about is how awful the world is becoming, but anyone and everyone has the power to change that.
To answer the question asked earlier, respect can be defined by Merriam-Webster as an act of giving particular attention. Respect is being considerate of those around you. Respect is understanding that everyone’s views, ideas, and values may be different than yours. Respect is giving others the attentive care and support that all people deserve.
Showing respect does not have to be something that is large scale. It can be something as small as being courteous to your teachers and classmates. Everyone around you is as important as you are, and it is very necessary to recognize and acknowledge that. It can be letting the girl who has no one to sit with at lunch, sit with you. Doing this shows her that someone cares, wants to talk to her, and give her company. It could be helping someone pick up their books when they drop them in the hallway. This shows them that you want to help them. It could be smiling at a classmate you have never talked to. It shows them that you care about them.
You may be thinking “This sounds a lot like kindness,” which it kind of is. Respect is a lot of things; it is being kind, compassionate, and courteous. It is treating others the way you want to be treated. Everyone wants to be respected. Even though we all do make mistakes, we are all human, and this still qualifies us to be treated as such.
I believe the way to bring back respect is through small acts of kindness and compassion. I believe that everyone has good in them. I believe that even those who don't can have a change of heart. I believe by showing those around you that you care about them, that you acknowledge that their values and ideas are important, and that they have potential, we can make the world a better place to live by showing others the respect everyone deserves.