The Difference in Being Different by Emily

Emilyof Ft. Mitchell 's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2017 scholarship contest

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Emily of Ft. Mitchell , KY
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The Difference in Being Different by Emily - January 2017 Scholarship Essay

She was a young girl, wishing for a change in the world. She wished to be that change. She was going to do great things. That is what her grandfather told her. However, she did not know how to do those great things. She had too many big ideas and she could not fulfill all of them. She is I. I did not only want to make a difference in one individual’s life. I did not want to make a difference in a small group’s life. I help people with stresses on their lives, but how could I help in disasters?
Matthew 25 Ministries, a relief organization, was mentioned to me at a neighborhood get together. The nonprofit company packages slightly used items to ship to countries that have just been hit by disaster and third world countries. They often go to the countries to specially deliver the items as well. I have been a part of the Matthew 25 community for two years packaging items and I wish to go to some of those countries so that I can help directly. I am a part of a community that works as an assembly line to help others. Matthew 25 has reminded me that I do not need to make a difference so large that I end up in the newspaper. An individual receiving an item does not need to know my name for me to understand that a difference is being made. As Gandhi states: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” I add, “In silence.”
Based on this experience, I plan to go local and build shelters and provide items to the homeless in my community. Matthew 25 has inspired me to work at more soup kitchens and help build a home for others. I volunteer at any opportunity. I help to run concessions and fish fries at my high school as well as helping at elementary school dances. Individuals can often call for help that is never answered. I seek to be that answer even if I cannot do it directly.
As a team worker, I hope that I will be a part of a team that travels to other countries to help in natural disasters and I hope to be a part of the Red Cross to help others globally and locally. My grandfather once said that I will do great things. There are multiple contexts of great. There is doing a great job or doing great amounts of things. There is great to describe how one did on an assignment. My context of great lies within not how many people I help, it is how I help people. A simple hello and smile can be all it takes for someone to that another is happy to help.
