Belong To You. To Take Charge of Your Own Life by Eddy

Eddyof Jacksonville's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2017 scholarship contest

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Eddy of Jacksonville, FL
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Belong To You. To Take Charge of Your Own Life by Eddy - March 2017 Scholarship Essay

No no. Don't stop, 15 minutes of sleep isn't worth it. Just finish that last question. Why slow down the last couple of meters? And hey, it's okay if your mom doesn't approve of you going out of state instead of staying at your local university. Do yourself a favor and leave and be nonaligned to the rigid and brittle expectations she has placed you at. If it feels better to play 30 minutes of soccer than do 30 minutes of a homework assignment, then play. Belong to you and take charge of where your life is headed. Do not let unripened and shallow boundaries limit you from achieving a goal and overcoming an obstacle, and the worst, never let someone live your life for you. Boundaries, like records, were made to be pushed, to be dominated.And letting another entity control the very moral being that you are must be the greatest crime you shall ever commit to yourself.

Boundaries are simply mental parameters we create for ourselves. Holding it off for "the next day," that day metamorphosing into weeks, and then months, and then gradually disintegrating into a vasty infinity of nothingness that could have been progress, your progress. One must push themselves to complete tasks, to nourish responsibilities and what often prevents one from m accomplishing said task is their own mind, the same insecure mind and consciousness that limits its own-self due to subconscious insecurity of its own capabilities. So no, finish that essay. Refuse to allow yourself to slumber in a sleep knowing an assignment is due tomorrow. Why not train for that 5k run and win it? What, you don't think you can one day, that all the others are simply better? Oh so you're afraid to not do college. But for what? I mean, you were just talking about owning enterprises and businesses and building yourself up. So now what? You don't think you can? These (not specifically these) are questions one must rhetorically ask themselves before doubting their ability to achieve a goal. One must allow their fears to engulf them as if they dived into a pool of it, and let that fear and uncertainty behave as a fuel, a fuel to complete their trip, the trip being their goal. Instead of saying "I'm just not good enough to complete a 5k run," simply change it "What if I don't win the run?." This changes the statement from a lackluster, self-doubtful comment to an emergency, a rush. A rush to push yourself to be one of the top, to outperform what you (an maybe others) thought you couldn't do. Conquer your fear, and push and pulverize your boundaries.

Letting one control the strings to your puppet is committing adultery on yourself. You are cheating who and what you are. You are simply committing a crime on yourself. Now don't confuse advice with dominance/assertion over one's life choices and path. Advice gives you hints as to where to go, what to be. Dominance takes the reigns and becomes the puppeteer, doing tangible things to constrict your choices, your own mindful actions. Don't let the constant nagging from mom and how she will "simply refuse to pay" for going to a different college. Refuse to process any criticism with what you have planned for yourself by simply letting the words be what they are, words. Not letting the words creep and sink into your skin and making you self-doubt anything you had in store. Too many people let their lives go into the hands of another person or let it be con trolled by thousands, those thousands controlling it through the mellow slow burn of gossip and criticism. Control your strings ad decide your destiny. Cohere various strategies and plans to launch what you had planned forward. Do yourself a favor and cut the strings ruling above you like monarch. Cut them and construct new ones, new ones formulated for you and you only, not focusing on what others had inshore for you.

Be you, love you, and control you. Be the rose that grew out of the concrete pavement on blistering summer days and grueling winter nights and blossomed. Be the brick that was conformed in the jungle that later constructed itself into a skyscraper. Push your boundaries, internal and external. Whether the internal is the self-doubt associated with that lonely rose and brick, or the external being the concrete or jungle. Push yourself to blossom and/or grow in something amazing. Cut the strings and halt committing an offense to yourself a,d control your journey. Belong to you. Take charge of your own life.
