Letter to an Incoming Freshman by Christian
Christianof Fayetteville's entry into Varsity Tutor's November 2014 scholarship contest
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Letter to an Incoming Freshman by Christian - November 2014 Scholarship Essay
Everyone’s first year of high school can appear to be a daunting task. You've left the comfort of middle school you finally got used to, and are moving to the new, big, strange high school. You’ll probably have many uncertainties about high school, and that is perfectly understandable; everyone did, and everyone will, but it is not something you need to be afraid of. However, my one piece of advice to you as you go into high school is to not try to be someone you’re not; be yourself.
It’s inevitable – at every level of school, you’re going to face peer pressure. Unfortunately, there will be many kids who will try to make you become like them; don’t give in. Be yourself, be who you want to be and do what you want to do. Don’t let other kids try to tell you how to act or how to have fun. This leads to another piece of advice, pick your friends wisely. Try to become friends with people that have the same interests as you, and peer pressure will not be as big a thing to worry about.
When you’re being yourself, don’t let bullies get the best of you. Bullies may also fall under the “peer pressure” category, but are another challenge you have to overcome in your high school career. If someone is bullying you, calling you names or insults, don’t listen to them. You know who you are, and know that you are better than them. If someone calls you bad things, they probably are insecure about themselves and are bullying others just to make themselves feel better. All you have to do is stand up to a bully once, and he or she will more than likely never bother you again. Just know that they’re wrong, because we all, you included, have our own strengths and good qualities.
Lastly, to be yourself, pursue the course that will lead you to the career path you want to take. Your individual qualities will really begin to shine in high school. In high school, you can take the classes you want; it is designed to help you prepare for college and the rest of your life. If you really like computers, you can sign up to take more computer classes than everyone else; If you want to be a doctor, you can choose to take more science and medical classes; If you love reading, then take a lot of reading and English classes. Also, participate in the extracurricular activities you want to do. If you like singing, join the choir or Glee club. If you like chess, join the chess team. If you like football and baseball, go out for the football and baseball team. It’s your decision; high school is your oyster!
So to end this quite long “piece” of advice, be yourself by not giving into peer pressure, standing up and not listening to bullies, and pursuing what you want to do. Don’t try to be someone that you’re not, do what you want to do, just be yourself, and high school will be a great experience for you.