Finding yourself by chelsey

chelseyof indian trail's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2014 scholarship contest

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chelsey of indian trail, NC
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Finding yourself by chelsey - February 2014 Scholarship Essay

Entering high school is terrifying for most students. Freshmen are walking into an unfamiliar environment that immediately gives them different paths to choose from. Over the four years of high school people change and evolve into different, more mature versions of themselves. However, the path you choose your freshman year helps define who you become later on in high school, and ultimately, life.

When I was fourteen years old I was overwhelmed by this challenge. I was no longer the oldest in the school, but instead, the lowest in the food chain. While I could have chosen to play soccer, or join the fashion club, I chose student council. It was not long before this organization completely transformed who I was. I had found my stable point. Student council helped me meet friends, serve the community, and instill values in my life that can easily be lost in the transition to high school.

Mahatma Gandhi once said “The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others”. Four years ago, I was unaware of this quote. Today, as I prepare for graduation and college, I know that this quote sums up my high school career. More importantly, Gandhi’s words set the path that I will take for the rest of my life.

Each and every student council event served its own individual purpose. When we threw proms and Halloween costume parties at the assisted living center for members of the “greatest generation”, I learned the importance of patience and respecting the people who helped supply the opportunities my generation has. Raising money for Victory Junction showed me that no obstacle is enough to withhold a child from their dreams when they have a little encouragement. Supplying Christmas toys, clothing, and food to over one hundred and twenty families in my community, opened my eyes to the people around me who need my help.

During high school, I spent the majority of my time serving others. By doing this I found myself, and I found the best version of myself possible.
