Solutions For a Better Classroom by charles

charlesof TULSA's entry into Varsity Tutor's October 2014 scholarship contest

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charles of TULSA, OK
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Solutions For a Better Classroom by charles - October 2014 Scholarship Essay

The ideal classroom environment is something that would be very difficult to create for the wide array of students there are to teach. If each learning “base” was touched for each learning type and/or was narrowed down to categories that fit most everyone then it would be a lot easier to figure out which ways to teach which students so as to get the most efficiency out of the school year. Something else that could help the class environment could be to make that environment more comfortable so each student can be out of their comfort zone mentally rather than physically so they can focus better. Another good idea would be the mass explanation to kids (especially early on) that greatness and intelligence of any kind are achieved only by process that need to be stuck with for the long run and that early difficulty in any particular subject is not synonymous with inherent limitations, as many people seem to believe.

Figuring out the learning types of the vast amount of students would be virtually impossible to do 100% accurately. So using broad categories of learning to teach that cover the most students, such as an analytic/logical side and an abstract side of teaching with a little bit of the other type supplemented in to encourage new areas/perspectives of thought. This “yin and yang” of learning could be very effective

Making a classroom more comfortable, but not so much so that kids get sleepy could probably no more difficult than to put cushions on chairs, or couches in front of tables in place of desks (I.E a couch with a hollow bottom with spaces for books and arm rests with pencil divots and not too much padding). Upgrading technologies in schools to a more universally equal level can also help immensely in the fact that students from any area, city, or state can depend on the fact that they are getting the same treatment as the student next to them near or far, as opposed to one school knowing there are other schools with much more money and better resources. Peace of mind definitely adds to comfort in any situation.

By far I believe the biggest tool we have to raise overall education and willingness to learn is one of the most basic and obvious, but overlooked aspects of teaching we have. By this I mean getting a universal understanding across to students they are fully capable of being as good as the history- makers we read about. Getting children to believe while they are young that difficulty with anything can be overcome with diligence and good old fashioned practice is not necessarily a “new” concept, but people still seem to believe that some people are just lucky, prodigies, and born good at something. This misunderstanding leads many to accept their limitations rather than try to exceed them, as we all are more than capable of it. if we could engage kids’ minds, their will to want to learn rather than just try to hammer information into their head that they usually don’t realize is useful until it is too late than we could make the general education of the population increase so much the trickle down effects of which could rival even past technological and industrial revolutions, because with intelligence comes new ideas and solutions, as well as harder problems solved better than before.

For me personally, these changes would greatly help my excitement towards school in general and also to fine to my weak points and strong points simultaneously. However, the largest benefits reaped would be those from the students who would have otherwise dropped out or not persevered enough to finish school due to difficulty with grasping certain subjects. This can also help those same students get the toughest stages of education out of the way necessary for a career field. With proper execution, these changes (with time) could have exponential positive effects.
