Fear of the Unknown by Carlos

Carlosof Cincinnati's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2017 scholarship contest

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Carlos of Cincinnati, OH
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Fear of the Unknown by Carlos - March 2017 Scholarship Essay

With all of the recent developments involving different religious beliefs, perceived race-related conflicts, and various socioeconomic issues – I have tried to understand why some of our communities struggle to interact with one another in complete harmony. One conclusion that I have drawn is that many of us fear what we do not know and reject that which we cannot relate to. It is this fear that has driven a wedge between society. I have come to understand that unconditionally embracing diversity is something that could remove this wedge and strengthen our communities.

From a very young age, I was taught that diversity is something that is necessary in order to understand, appreciate, and adapt to the people you will encounter and situations you will experience in the world. I have lived in several different neighborhoods in Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio, and each one offered a unique mixture of residents in regards to race or ethnic classification, religious beliefs, and family makeup. Being surrounded by and interacting with this different collection of people is what has allowed me to look beyond the color of a person's skin, and focus more on things like personality, influence, knowledge, and other non-race defining characteristics that make each individual unique. This early introduction and growing relationships have allowed me to easily transition in and out of different social environments.

I currently attend Northwest High School, which is part of a racially, economically, and socially diverse school district. Through my involvement in sports, various school functions, and daily school related activities I have continued to establish and build relationships with a variety of people. Several of my teachers have acknowledged and often commented on my diverse collection of friends and my ability to traverse different social circles. As such, I am seen as a bridge between groups of people that typically would not interact with one another because of racial, economic, or other differences. Over the years, I have introduced a number of these individuals to one another and witnessed them breaking boundaries and forming their own special connections. I take pride in having the ability to change someone's personal beliefs by showing them that there is more to judging someone then just the color of their skin or the clothes they wear.

I am also part of an integrated extended family - having a number of family members that are white, black, Asian, Indian, and other ethnic classifications. I am very lucky to come from a very knowledgeable and welcoming family that understands the need for diversity, inclusion, social acceptance, and respect for all people. My family experiences have molded me into who I am today. Because of this, I am able to view life, social issues, and other things through the lens of many different types of people.

Through all of this, I have become a more dynamic individual. I understand that everyone has something valuable to offer, they just have to be appreciated, understood, and included. I see myself as someone who can help develop that appreciation, grow that understanding, and help provide that inclusion - all in an effort to continue building bridges and strengthening the community at whatever college or university that I attend.

To overcome the fear of the unknown we must be open to new ideas, new people, new places, and new experiences. Continuous exposure and interaction with these NEW things would eventually become commonplace, and would help us all develop a broader understanding, respect, and appreciation for many things that are foreign to us. We must not be afraid of change, because the world is changing every day.
