What is a good role model? by Bryce
Bryceof Davenport's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2017 scholarship contest
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What is a good role model? by Bryce - March 2017 Scholarship Essay
Good & Bad Role Models
In professional sports many athletes display good characteristics to be good role models. These athletes are what kids look up to and want to be when they grow up, but some athletes display characteristics of being a poor role models in the way they play, and can cause negative behavior in the kids, and in the way they play. First let’s define what is a good role model. As defined by Merriam Webster Online Dictionary a good role model is, “a person whose behavior in a particular role is imitated by others in a positive way to help others succeed”, but everyone has there own different idea what a good role model act and look like. Second let’s think what a good role model does with expectation? A good role model exceeds these expectations while a bad role fails to do this or influences people in negative ways. Third let’s think why so many people get led down the wrong path by their role models? In our generation, people sometimes get confused on what makes a good and a bad role model, because people today do not choose good role models because they do not look far enough into the athlete.
Let's start and talk about what it takes to be a good role model. Like I said the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary states that a good role model is, “a person whose behavior in a particular role is imitated by others in a positive way to help others succeed”. Everyone has their different opinions to what makes a good role model. For example Peyton Manning is a good role model to look up to, because he is unselfish on and off the field, when he played the game. That is just one example of someone being a good role model, by helping other succeed with their own actions.
Now Let’s talk about what a bad role model is like. A bad role model basically is negative and influence others in a negative way. A good example of a bad role model who influences people in a negative way is, Colin Kaepernick. Reason why I think he is a bad role model is because he kneels for the national anthem when you are suppose to stand to honor our country and our heros, but that's not why I think he is a bad role model, the reason is because he gets younger football players to do it at their games. That is a good example of a bad role model for the youth.
Next let’s think what a good role model does with expectations of people. A good role model exceeds the expectations of everyone who is around, they rarely lets anyone down. A good role model example of someone who exceeds the expectations of people is, Kurt Warner. The reason is because, no one thought he could make it in the NFL, but he led the Arizona Cardinals to the super bowl, but the only way he got the chance to lead the Arizona Cardinal to the super bowl was because the starter got hurt. This is a great example of someone who exceeded expectations.
Now let’s talk about what a bad role model does with expectations of people. A bad role model get’s people expectations up really high, but let’s everyone down in the long run. A good example of this is Lance Armstrong, even though he was a really good athlete, he lied about using drugs to enhance his physical condition, so he let everyone down.
Next let’s talk about good role models leading people in their footsteps to glory. When people pick role models to follow, they always want to have a clear idea if they will help you succeed in the game and life. One good example of this is Peyton Manning and Eli Manning. These two are brothers and brothers always argue, but the younger brother always tends to follow in the steps of the older brother. Whether you or Eli would want to admit, Peyton kinda led Eli to the NFL, but Eli still worked hard though, but that what a true role model should do, lead to greatness.
Lastly let’s talk about how a bad role model leads. A bad role model usually leads people off a cliff. In this world people don’t do enough research on their role models until it’s too late and they have already been lead down the wrong path.
In Conclusion people have to be careful who they have as role models. You want a role model who can help you succeed, go over the expectations of people, and a role model that will lead you to greatness. I firmly believe if people will do this, you will never lose at any game or at life. Next time you are looking at your role models, think if they will be a good influence on you or a bad one.