The Importance of keeping yourself on Track by Briana
Brianaof Hebbronville's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2017 scholarship contest
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The Importance of keeping yourself on Track by Briana - March 2017 Scholarship Essay
If given the chance to speak to a school wide audience, I would like to take that time to express the importance of students keeping their lives on track. Now, one might ask what exactly do I mean by that? Well, early on in my Elementary years, my mother enrolled me in tumbling and gymnastics classes. I then chose to tryout for a competitive cheer squad. I loved it. I also found that it meant lots and lots of tiring hours several times a week. My mother would drive me back and forth for practices. At times, we did homework while we were on the road. My family always stressed the importance of academics before sports. I feel that my love for sports kept me on the right track in preparing me for Life.
As the years went by, I joined volleyball, basketball, track, tennis cross country , dance, softball and one act play. I made it to state two years in a row in Powerlifting. Now, what I haven't mentioned thus far is that I am a 4'10, 97 pound girl with Dyslexia. I also take medications daily for a thyroid disorder. I have had numerous injuries while participating in these sports activities. Throughout my school years, I found that due to my Dyslexia, I had to work even harder to keep my academics in check. I worked delinquently in keep my grades to A's and B's. This was no easy task. My daily schedule at times meant going from one sport to another. I would get home late. My parents offered me the opportunity to earn a laptop of I passed my State Assessment tests. I passed and got recommended. I cannot begin to tell you how my laptop has helped me in all my academics.
What I would like to stress during this speech, is that as I participated and represented my community or school district during all these events, it kept me on the right track. I was so busy with sports and academics, that I didn't have the time or opportunity to get off track into doing things that I shouldn't be doing. Some students, especially in a very small town like my own, get bored, They randomly make decisions that will hurt and affect them. Some choose to do drugs. Others choose to events that hurt others or the community. I can honestly say that I neither wanted to or had the time to think about these activities because I was busy and staying on the right track. I Thank God and my family for instilling these positive habits early on in my childhood. I cannot stress enough to my classmates and fellow students, to stay on the right track. If not sports, help out in the community. Volunteer at local places such as nursing homes. Do whatever it takes to stay on the right track. Some people say, well your parents had the money for these events. Yes, we had some money but volunteering and helping others is not always about money. It takes a strong person to make the right decisions in their lives. We are given one life and we need to make the most of it. Since my father's diagnosis of ALS, I am a strong believer that life can be cut way too short. It is of upmost importance to stay on the right track on be prepared for your future. These sport activities have given me character, instilled responsibilities in me, and have taught me how to work with different adults and students while managing me time. they kept me on the right track.
So, make the right decision. Stay busy! The track you choose is yours to make. Make the right choice!