To Be Bullied or Not To Be Bullied by Benjamin

Benjaminof Ashburn's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2017 scholarship contest

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Benjamin of Ashburn, VA
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To Be Bullied or Not To Be Bullied by Benjamin - March 2017 Scholarship Essay

The most important topic that I would give to a school-wide audience is the importance of bullying. Bullying is a tragic thing that happens every day in many schools around the country. There are four types of bullying that happen everyday Nation-wide: Physical bullying, Mental bullying, Verbal bullying, and Cyberbullying. Bullying is a way for kids to make themselves cool and popular in school. In my speech to this specific school-wide audience I would state the four types of bullying and how they affect schools across the United States, I would explain the difference between teasing and bullying, and tell a story of how I was bullied in school once.

Stating the three types of bullying would help the audience decide whether bullying is important to know about. Using these four categories of bullying I would explain the difference between each one and how each one affects people in school. I would also explain how people can eliminate bullying in their schools. I would use a demonstration so people could understand clearly what it looks and feels like to bully and to be bullied. An example would be me demonstrating someone being bullied over social media.

Next point would be to explain the difference between the term teasing and bullying. I would put both words in context and explain examples of what teasing is and what bullying is. Using examples would be beneficial for a school audience and that is how I would get the interest and attention of the audience. I would use sarcasm and stereotypes to grab the audience from their miserable lives just sitting listening to a boring speech about bullying. I would use interesting facts about bullying that will make people want to ask questions.

The next way to grab the attention is to tell a personal story of when I was bullied. I would use the story of when I was in second grade and was bullied verbally by two of my classmates. When telling this story I would use the chronological organization to tell what events happened first. I would explain what emotions I had when the two classmates were saying things about me behind my back. That day that I was bullied was tragic and I wasn’t able to live with myself for days until I had friends in my class who supported me.

Bullying is the topic that I would discuss with a school-wide audience. It has many points to discuss and has a lot of explanations to it. Bullying is not an idea that people can just hurt people for fun but is a factor that makes a bully think he is cool. Bullying is when a person from one society drives down the emotions and potential of another person in a different society. To discuss the topic of bullying I would use the subtopics of stating the four types of bullying and how they affect people, I would explain the difference between teasing and bullying, and I would I would tell a personal story of when I was bullied
