The Simple Leader by Alyssa

Alyssaof GREEN BAY's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2015 scholarship contest

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Alyssa of GREEN BAY, WI
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The Simple Leader by Alyssa - March 2015 Scholarship Essay

I have grown up believing and being taught that leadership is very important, and necessary wherever you are. I also have been taught there are two different kinds of leaders, there is the leader who simply is leading to boss people around to gain followers, and then there are the leaders who are leading to help produce even greater leaders to come. I aspire to be the second leader, the one who helps lead to produce greater leaders. I believe those are the leaders that are necessary in college, for they will help not only themselves to achieve success, but also everyone around them.

Leadership can attribute to many things in not only college, but our everyday lives. It not only helps build other leaders, but it helps shape our character. Character is something that is valued everywhere in the world. When in the workplace, they will always hire someone will good character over bad character. When looking at the people that surround us, we will be more likely to enjoy the one with good character than the one that does not have good character. Leadership in colleges help students shape their character, and character leads to other great attributes. Character leads to someone who is hard worker, it leads to someone who never gives up, and it leads to happiness.

With leaders in our schools, we are able to open many more opportunities. It takes a leader to stand up and actually do something. Look at the people we consider leaders in our history, they all did something remarkable. Martin Luther King Jr, he fought to stop slavery. Mother Teresa spread a love, some of us can only imagine. Then narrow the spectrum a little, and look at the heroes in your life. Maybe it's a parent, a grandparent, an aunt, a uncle, or a friend. We all have someone. Famous of not that has been a leader in some way in out life.

Leaders inspire, they shape, they grow, and they challenge. Colleges need more people to lead, we should commend the people that do, and challenge those that don't. They don't even have to be a leader who gets up and starts a civil movement, maybe it is simply talking to someone who doesn't have many friends. Maybe it is something as simply as loving those around us. It is not hard to be a leader, and if we all put our mind to it, we could all be leaders. We could change this world. So why aren't we? If I could say one thing, to everyone out there it would be this what Dr. Suess said to us all as a child, "Why fit in when you were born to stand out!"

Be the leader, and be the change.
