Money Doesn't Matter When You're 6 by Alexandra

Alexandraof Salt Lake City's entry into Varsity Tutor's June 2017 scholarship contest

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Alexandra of Salt Lake City, UT
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Money Doesn't Matter When You're 6 by Alexandra - June 2017 Scholarship Essay

For most of us, at the age of 6, life was pretty easy-going. Spelling Bee's are all the rage and recess is always a blast now that you've discovered hopscotch and four square. As you open your lunch box and start eating your oreos before you dig into your PB&J with the crusts cut off, one of your friends asks you "Hey, what do you want to be when you're a grown up?". Dozens of ideas start rushing through your head and the endless creativity continues. A firefighter? A famous singer? A famous singing firefighter? When you're 6, the reality of life hasn't hit you yet. There are no worries about politics, paying for college, and capitalism. Sadly, as time continues, we are molded into the school system's ideal student and are pushed to figure out what we want to do for the rest of our lives when we're still having to ask to go to the restroom.

When I was asked this question at the age of 6, I said that I wanted to be a Veterinarian. I was a simple-minded little girl who loved puppies, kittens, and every other fluffy thing that could walk. So who wouldn't want to get to take care of them for a living? However, as I got older I learned that being a vet meant that I would need to know a lot of science, something that was not my strong suit. (I especially learned this after barely surviving chemistry my sophomore year of high school) And then I started to learn about money. The idea of having it not only made me feel safe, but also happy. I knew that it could not fulfill my happiness, but that it would definitely help when I wanted to give my significant other a nice gift or travel eventually. I began to search the web for the jobs that paid well and most of them happened to be doctors. Sadly, putting me full circle into the part where I am terrible at science.

So now as I am typing this essay to you, in need of help conquering a big road block for everyone's education; money. I am telling you that I no longer know what I want to do, but in the most open way possible. I can't wait to attend my university undeclared and start taking classes and learning what I'm good at and finding what will keep me financially successful as well. I want to learn and I want to find my passion, I just need some help getting there.
