"The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis by Alexandra

Alexandraof Lisle's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2017 scholarship contest

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Alexandra of Lisle, IL
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"The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis by Alexandra - May 2017 Scholarship Essay

A book that has made the significant impact on my life as of yet is “The Great Divorce” by C.S. Lewis. I was assigned the book in my religion class, and expected it to be one I would just persevere through and finish, as my senior year is drawing to a close. However, the book has unexpectedly increased my understanding of my faith and has allowed me to clearly recognize my own flaws. Although related to Christianity, the book has the capability to be beneficial to all who read it, regardless of one’s faith or beliefs.

C.S. Lewis, a devout Christian, would stray from his faith during his young adulthood but would return to it later in his life, after which he wrote with “The Great Divorce.” Throughout the work, Lewis’ deep reflections into the truths of the Christian Faith are meaningful yet easily understood. He ingeniously employs the use of a man, representing himself, and other characters, each exhibiting a unique characteristic or “sin.” Most commonly, these sins seem minor, however, in reality, they drive a deep wedge between that person and his or her faith.

Throughout his work, the main thesis of the novel is revealed to be that there are two main people in the world: those who would rather reign in Hell than serve in Heaven and those who would rather serve God in Heaven. This idea is originally from Dante's “Inferno.” Ultimately, this concept simplifies to those who choose to be of their own mindset become more isolated from God and their counterparts, rather than those who choose to serve others and actively and devoutly live out Christian teachings.

I believe this book to be so influential because not only is it applicable to me, from a relatively religious Catholic family, but this idea can be applied to all regardless of their religious beliefs. The main lesson learned from the book is those who wish to not face the truth in the light, recognize their own flaws and/or take accountability for any situations they are apart of, are serving their own will - and being solely self-satisfying and denying Church teaching, Lewis bravely states is the surest way to damnation. This is in comparison to those who would rather serve others and who find their joy in helping one another rather than through self-gratifying their needs as they feel necessary.

Lewis explains throughout the book, ff those who drift are willing to see the truth in new understanding and recognize their personal areas for improvement, then they may be saved. He also recognizes this is the hardest thing people may have to come to terms with. Changing one’s lifestyle is the most difficult. It is easy to say one thing, but acting on one’s word is completely another. Because of this, many characters throughout the story are not able set aside personal motives and toxic habits that separate themselves from God or from their loved ones around them. This reaction by characters to the truth of their actions then drives a further wedge between them and grace. For example, Lewis portrays a grumbling woman who finds a “spirit” (one who has been saved in Heaven) and insists on explaining to the spirit her tribulations on Earth and seeks justification for her actions, expecting the spirit to condone them. However, when the spirit tries to interject his actual beliefs - the truth - that she was not always correct, the lady cuts cuts him off. The grumbling woman is a prime example of those who do not wish to see the truth but rather wish to have scenarios be viewed according to their views and their will alone. Although, she may claim differently, the woman in reality wishes to not to obey God but to reign in their own mind. This then leads to her eternal demise.

The truths portrayed by C.S. Lewis are straightforward and hard to accept. He ingeniously calls out common human flaws that are so easily accepted here on Earth due to simple human reasoning. Although controversial, Lewis reveals how such human responses such as mourning too much or pitying oneself leads one astray from God, while, horrific acts such as murder are more easily forgiven in Heaven because such acts are not justified; and therefore, those who have committed such sins, are more likely to admit their wrongs and convert themselves fully to God. Although, he uses such drastic contrasts and scenarios, Lewis makes his point clear - if we, as individuals, wish to carry out our own will based solely on our self-satisfaction, that is the surest way to eternal death.
