failing to make right judjement by alejandra
alejandraof fort worth's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2017 scholarship contest
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failing to make right judjement by alejandra - February 2017 Scholarship Essay
We judge things and people every day weather its done with right or wrong judgement. I failed to use right judgement on someone who plays a big role in my life. That decision I made brought me to failure.
When I was young I judged my father for a choice he made. Ad least a choice I thought he made. I used wrong judgement when I didn’t even know the full story and didn’t see all the obstacles that played out. Divorces are typical now days but it’s hard to understand when you’re young.
My parents decided to get a divorce when I was about 6 I didn’t understand why I always believed my parents were happy, but that’s only what I saw, what they choose to show me. This is where the wrong judgement started, it was something little but it was the start of being naïve. My father was always there for me we just basically didn’t live together. Even though he was I always had a spot of hate for him deep down. I was just mad that I wasn’t living like the average family. The thought that he hurt my mother and caused them to divorce I care for my mother a lot so it was who I blamed for making her unhappy. There was nobody else to point a finger to.
When I was 12 he decided to come back. I didn’t know how to feel about that. All I knew is I hated him and the word “hate” is a strong word but that is exactly what I felt. As time progressed I learned how to just deal with him being in my house. In the spring of my sophomore year we got in yet once again a dumb argument that I don’t even remember. What I do remember is we didn’t talk for a week. As my mom noticed she sat us down to talk and all the frustration I bottled up in me couldn’t be tamed. Everything they told me that leaded up to their divorce sounded like the best choice I understood this now that I was older. I failed to use right judgement. It was something a 6-year-old couldn’t understand.
After we had this deep conversation and laid all the cards on the table I learned to accept him again. All the time I had with him that I took for granted.
The summer before junior year my dad got deported. right when me and my dad were starting to be on better terms. It is really hard now without him here, I’ve never struggled through anything so much. Out of me failing to use right judgement of my dad and taking him for granted I learned to appreciate the people in my life because anything can happen. So I cherish my loved ones because I may not ever see them again.
I took my dad being with me and mom for granted because I didn’t care. I failed to use right judgment on they’re decision. What I would do to have him here with me. Out of something I dealt with my whole life brought me to the greatest lesson learned. Cherish your loved ones because you never know what will happen.