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Example Questions
Example Question #261 : Operations And Properties
A square matrix is invertible if and only if-
it is similar to the zero matrix
its determinant is .
None of the other answers
it is diagonalizable
None of the other answers
All of these are criteria for a matrix NOT to be invertible, (except for diagonalization; some diagonalizable matrices are invertible and some aren't.)
Example Question #35 : The Inverse
Find .
The inverse of a two-by-two matrix
is the matrix
is the determinant of the matrix, which is the product of the main diagonal elements minus the product of the other two:
Example Question #41 : The Inverse
Find .
The inverse of a two-by-two matrix
is the matrix
is the determinant of the matrix, which is the product of the main diagonal elements minus the product of the other two:
Example Question #1 : Orthogonal Matrices
Determine if the following matrix is orthogonal or not.
is an orthogonal matrix
is not an orthogonal matrix
is an orthogonal matrix
To determine if a matrix is orthogonal, we need to multiply the matrix by it's transpose, and see if we get the identity matrix.
Since we get the identity matrix, then we know that is an orthogonal matrix.