All ISEE Upper Level Quantitative Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : How To Multiply Exponents
Two quantities are given - one in Column A and the other in Column B. Compare the quantities in the two columns.
Assume, in both columns, that .
Column A Column B
The quantity in Column B is greater.
The quantities in both columns are equal.
The quantity in Column A is greater.
There is no way to determine the relationship between the columns.
There is no way to determine the relationship between the columns.
Column A gives simplifies to give us , and Column B simplifies to give us
. At first glance, Column B is greater, as it would be for all answers greater than 1. However, if
, the two columns are equal. Furthermore, if
is negative, or a fraction, Column A is greater. Thus, since we could arrive at all three answers by using different numbers, we cannot determine the answer conclusively.
Example Question #8 : How To Multiply Exponents
Which of the following expressions is equivalent to
Use the difference of squares pattern as follows:
Example Question #6 : How To Multiply Exponents
Column A Column B
The quantity in Column B is greater.
No relationship between the columns can be determined.
The quantity in Column A is greater.
The quantities in both columns are equal.
The quantity in Column A is greater.
Anything raised to zero is equal to 1. Therefore, Column A has to be greater because 1 is greater than 0.
Example Question #3 : How To Multiply Exponents
44,000,000 can be written in scientific notation as for some
Which is the greater quantity?
(B) 8
(B) is greater
(A) is greater
It is impossible to determine which is greater from the information given
(A) and (B) are equal
(B) is greater
To write 44,000,000 in scientifc notation, write the implied decimal point after the final "0", then move it left until it is after the first nonzero digit (the first "4").
This requires a displacement of seven places, so
, and (B) is greater.
Example Question #11 : Exponential Operations
Give the result:
For any two numbers ,
We can solve this problem most easily by taking advantage of this pattern, setting
Example Question #11 : Exponents
Raise to the fourth power and give the result in scientific notation.
Use the properties of exponents to raise the number to the fourth power:
This is not in scientific notation, so adjust:
Example Question #13 : Exponential Operations
Give the result:
For any two numbers ,
We can solve this problem most easily by taking advantage of this pattern, setting
Example Question #11 : Exponential Operations
Give the cube of in scientific notation.
This is not in scientific notation, so adjust:
Example Question #12 : Exponential Operations
Which expression is equal to 65,000?
is equal to
Move the decimal one place to the right for each number of the exponent with a base ten.
For example, ,
, etc.
Example Question #11 : Exponential Operations
Evaluate .
By the Power of a Product Principle,
Also, by the Power of a Power Principle,
Combining these ideas,
All ISEE Upper Level Quantitative Resources