All ISEE Lower Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #401 : Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
When you are driving, it is very important to __________ so that you don’t miss anything.
If it is important that you don’t miss anything, it is important to “concentrate.” To “concentrate” means to pay attention to something specified or what you are doing. As for the other answer choices, the word “demonstrate” means show how something is done by doing it yourself as an example; the word “attempt” means try when used as a verb; and “implicate” means to incriminate or suggest that someone did something wrong.
Example Question #402 : Sentence Completions
Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.
The dogs __________ the fox through the forest, but gave up the chase after they lost its scent.
We can infer that because the dogs "gave up the chase," that they were chasing the fox beforehand, so we need to pick out an answer choice that is a verb and means something like "chased." "Evaded" may look like a potentially correct answer, but "evaded" means "escape or avoid, especially by cleverness or trickery," and while it would make sense to say that the fox evaded the dogs, it wouldn't be correct to claim that the dogs evaded the fox. "Pursue," however, is a verb that means "follow (someone or something) in order to catch or attack them," and because "pursued" best describes how the dogs tried to catch the fox, "pursued" is the correct answer.
Example Question #120 : Verbs
Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.
Jessica didn't want to __________ the fact that she took the last piece of cake in the fridge, so she blamed the action on her brother instead.
You can tell from the sentence's context that Jessica wanted to avoid telling the truth and confessing that she was the one who took the last piece of cake from the fridge, so you need to pick out an answer choice that means something like "confess." "Admit" means reveal information that one was previously purposely withholding, so "admit" is the correct answer. "Conceal" may look like a potentially correct answer, but "conceal" means hide, and if Jessica didn't want to hide the fact that she took the last piece of cake from the fridge, she would have told people that she did it, not blamed it on her brother. For similar reasons, "suppress" can't be the correct answer either, because in this context, "suppress" means prevent information from becoming known. Jessica clearly didn't want the specified information to become known, so saying that she "didn't want to suppress" it would make no sense. In this context, "invent" would mean make up, so it cannot be the correct answer either, and "blame" doesn't make sense either, despite the fact that it may look like a good answer choice because it is used later in the sentence.
Example Question #403 : Sentence Completions
Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.
When Martha's crutches slipped and she fell down, another girl came over to kindly __________ her in getting back up.
Because the action of the other girl was “kind” and Martha “fell down,” we can assume that the other girl was “helping” Martha. This means that the correct answer is “assist,” which means to help someone. To provide further help, the word “compel” means to force someone to do something; “despise” means to hate; and to “repel” means to sicken or to physically force to move away, like the way in which two positive or negative poles of a magnet interact with each other.
Example Question #404 : Sentence Completions
Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.
The treasure lay hidden for hundreds of years, until it was finally __________ by a massive storm.
Because the author uses the word “until,” we know that the treasure was no longer hidden after the massive storm. This means the correct answer is “revealed,” which means made something that was previously hidden or undetected overtly noticeable. The word “depicted” means represented in visual art or words. When used as a verb, word “withdrawn” means taken back; when used as an adjective to describe a person, it means shy and quiet. The word “underwhelmed” means not impressed by something. The word “disposed” means threw away.
Example Question #405 : Sentence Completions
Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.
Although he tried for twenty minutes to open his locker, Nathan could not get it to __________.
To complete this sentence, we first need to look at the initial conjunction, "although." This term means in spite of or even though. So, even though Nathan tried to open his locker, he was not able to do so. This means that we are looking for a word that shares a meaning with "open," since "opening" is the action that Nathan could not force his locker to do. "Budge," which means make a small movement, could be our choice. "Shut" is incorrect; if Nathan is attempting to open his locker, it must already be shut. Finally, "reverberate" means echo and "submerge" refers to the act of sinking an object underwater. We are left with "budge" as the most relevant answer.
Example Question #406 : Sentence Completions
Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.
The passengers had to be __________ from one side of the river to the other.
The context of the sentence tells us that the passengers needed to travel from one side of the river to the other. The answer choice “ferried” means transported across water from one point to another. To provide further help, “criticized” means expressed disapproval; “bungled” means messed up; “deprived” means had something taken away from or kept from; “endangered” means in danger, in trouble.
Example Question #407 : Sentence Completions
Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.
Email is one of the most common ways in which people __________ with one another.
Email is something that people use to talk to each other, so the correct answer must mean something like "talk." This should lead you to the correct answer, which is “communicate.” To communicate is to exchange ideas with another person in a situation where each person understands what the other is saying. Other examples of communication would be talking on the phone, texting, and sending letters in the mail.
Example Question #408 : Sentence Completions
Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.
After I did so poorly on my test, I __________ to study much harder for the next one.
From the context of the sentence, you know that the speaker has not done well on his or her test and has decided to study harder for the next one. In this context, the word “resolved” means decided to do something, so this is the correct answer.
Example Question #409 : Sentence Completions
Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.
Despite not speaking the same language as us, the guide was doing a commendable job of __________ which way we needed to go by gesturing with his hands.
The word “despite” means even though, in spite of and the word “commendable” means praiseworthy. The guide was unable to communicate through language but was still able to direct the author in the right direction. The guide would have accomplished this by showing or “indicating” which way the author needed to go. To provide further help, “edifying” means teaching or building up; “loosening” means making loose; “lauding” means praising.
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All ISEE Lower Level Verbal Resources