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Example Questions
Example Question #31 : Understanding Scalar And Vector Quantities
Find using the parallelogram graphical method.
Example Question #175 : Matrices And Vectors
Vector has a magnitude of 3.61 and is at an angle of 124° CCW from the x-axis. Vector
has a magnitude of 2.24 at an anlge of 63.4° CCW from the x-axis.
Find using the parallelogram graphical method.
First, construct the two vectors using ruler and protractor:
is twice the length of
, but in the same direction:
Since we are subtracting, reverse the direction of :
Place the tails of and
at the same point:
Construct a parallelogram:
Construct and measure the resultant using ruler and protractor:
Example Question #61 : High School Physics
Find .
Finding the resultant requires us to add like components:
Example Question #11 : Geometric Vectors
Find .
Finding the resultant requires us to add like components:
Example Question #1 : Understanding Independent And Dependent Variables
A scientist measures how far a particle travels within a given amount of time. Every second she measures how far it has gone, and creates a graph of her results. What is the independent variable in this experiment?
Neither variable is independent
Both variables are independent
It will depend on the shape of the graph
An independent variable is manipulated by the experimenter. Any changes made are predictable. The dependent variable reacts to changes made to the independent variable. Its changes are not controlled by the experimenter and can be hard to predict.
In this particular experiment, the scientist is measuring how the particle's distance changes over a given time. She is able to control the amount of time that she measures, but is only able to observe the distance traveled.
In the graph, the independent variable will be graphed on the x-axis.
Example Question #2 : Understanding Independent And Dependent Variables
When looking at velocity in terms of distance and time, what is the independent variable?
There are a few ways to think of this question. The first is to imagine you are graphing velocity. Since the equation is , the displacement would be on the y-axis and time would be on the x-axis. The x-axis is going to be where we put our independent variable.
The other way to think of this is to ask yourself what our "inputs" and "outputs" would be if we were measuring velocity. Imagine you're walking down the street and you record how far you travel every second. The time is what you are "inputting" and your distance travelled is your "output."
Example Question #2 : Understanding Independent And Dependent Variables
You are looking at a graph of the motion of a vehicle. On the y-axis is displacement and on the x-axis is time. Which of the following is the independent variable?
Independent variables are predetermined by the experimenter and can be manipulated to change the measured dependent variable. Independent variables are generally graphed on the x-axis, while dependent variables are generally graphed on the y-axis.
In this question, time is the independent variable and displacement is the dependent variable. The experimenter can select sampling times, but cannot necessarily predict the displacement that will be measured at each point. This defines time as the independent variable.
Example Question #2 : Understanding Independent And Dependent Variables
Where is the independent variable most commonly displayed on a graph?
Along the x-axis
Sometimes along the x-axis and sometimes along the y-axis
Along the y-axis
Along both the x- and y-axes
The independent variable is not displayed
Along the x-axis
The independent variable is controlled by the experimenter, while the dependent variable will fluctuate based on independent variable inputs. The independent variable is always displayed on the x-axis of a graph, while the dependent variable appears on the y-axis. Time is a common independent variable, as it will not be affeced by any dependent environemental inputs. Time can be treated as a controllable constant against which changes in a system can be measured.
Example Question #1 : Calibrations And Precision
Michael buys several bags of balloons. On the package, it says that each bag has 100 balloons. He opens the bags and only one of them has 100 balloons inside; the other bags either have too many or too few.
How would you describe the bag of balloons with 100 balloons inside?
Neither accurate nor precise
Accurate, but not precise
Precise, but not accurate
Accurate, but the precision cannot be determined
Both accurate and precise
Accurate, but not precise
This bag is accurate because it provided the correct number of balloons, however, the process is not precise as the results were clearly not repeatable.
Accuracy deals with how close the measurement got to the accepted measurement. Precision deals with how consistent the measurement is. The bag with 100 balloons inside matched the claim made on the bag, meaning it was accurate. It was not precise because the other measurements show that the number of balloons is variable.
Example Question #2 : Understanding Accuracy And Precision
Michael's scale measures the mass of objects as consistently less than their actual mass. How would you describe the scale?
It is both accurate and precise
Accuracy and precision are synonyms
It is neither accurate nor precise
It is accurate, but not precise
It is precise, but not accurate
It is precise, but not accurate
Precision measures is how consistently a device records the same answer. In this case, Michael's scale is ALWAYS short. Even though it displays the wrong value, it is consistent. That means it is precise. Measuring a
object will always display a mass of
; the results are easily reproduced.
Accuracy is how well a device measures something against its accepted value. In this case, Michael's scale is not accurate because it is always off by .
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