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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Atmospheric Movement And Patterns
When talking about atmospheric circulation, what latitude range do the trade winds occupy?
Trade Winds are a result of hot air from the equator rising, cooling and then sinking and dispersing within the 30 N to 30 S range, with a range of 30 degrees on both sides of the equator.
Example Question #22 : Ap Environmental Sciences
Which terms best fits the following definition?
"The cyclical pattern of rising hot air, cooling of air, and sinking of colder air, resulting from exposure to sunlight (heat energy)."
Solar Wind
La Niña
Atmospheric Circulation
The Greenhouse Effect
El Niño
Atmospheric Circulation
Atmospheric circulation is the process in which air heated at a lower altitude rises because it is less dense than cold air, and the resulting cooling and dispersal/fall of the chilled air results in a natural circulation of air in the atmosphere.
Example Question #1 : Atmospheric Movement And Patterns
Where in the atmosphere does weather occur?
An easy way to know where the weather occurs in the atmosphere is to think of clouds. Since clouds are where precipitation originates and another form of a cloud can be low dwelling fog, you know that weather must appear close to the earths surface, and the lowest part of the atmosphere is the Troposphere.
Example Question #21 : Ap Environmental Sciences
In 1735, a scientist named George __________ hypothesized how air currents circulate and the mechanism that he discovered was named after him. His subsequent theory helps to describe the mechanics that cause air currents to rise at the equator and fall at the thirty degree latitudes?
Hadley cells
Hardy-Weinberg cells
Janzen-Connell cells
McLeod Cells
Mason cells
Hadley cells
The correct response is "Hadley." George Hadley developed the theory of the Hadley Cell. This is the only answer choice that referred to a scientist that studied atmospheric movements. Two of the answer choices have nothing to do with the atmosphere and they are general theories of ecology such as the Janzen-Connell hypothesis regarding biodiversity and the Hardy-Weinberg principle that is associated with genotype frequencies. Last, Mason and McLeod were fabricated for the sake of the question.
Example Question #4 : Atmospheric Movement And Patterns
What is the Coriolis effect?
The global circulation of air due to patterns of heating and cooling of the air
The effect latitude has on global air movement
The effect of shifting air due to heating and then cooling as the air rises
The effect the Earth's rotation has on the movement of air and water in the atmosphere and oceans
The effect of ocean currents on air movement
The effect the Earth's rotation has on the movement of air and water in the atmosphere and oceans
The Coriolis effect is the interaction between an object traveling on Earth and the rotation of the Earth. Objects appear to be moving in straight lines, but are actually moving in curves in space.
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All AP Environmental Science Resources