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Question of the Day: AP Environmental Science
Which of the following statements about the rock cycle is not true?
Igneous rock can form from either sedimentary or metamorphic rock.
Sedimentary rock can become metamorphic rock or igneous rock.
Sedimentary rock can become metamorphic rock, but not igneous rock.
Metamorphic rock can become sedimentary rock or igneous rock.
With only so much time in each day, it can be difficult for you to fit everything you need to do into your schedule. This time crunch can become particularly difficult when you are preparing for a difficult test, such as the AP Environmental Science exam. While there are many ways for you to study, one method you might consider is one of Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools, like the AP Environmental Science Question of the Day. With the Question of the Day, you will be able to regularly study for your test by getting a unique question each day to keep your mind fresh on the topic. Plus, answering the Question of the Day only takes a few minutes out of your busy day.
Each AP Environmental Science Question of the Day is pulled from one of many of the online Practice Tests. The questions are formatted in a similar fashion as those that are actually on the test. The questions are in a multiple-choice format, allowing you to think critically about the possible options before answering the question. Once you have answered, you will gain access to helpful metrics and information that will help you to understand where you are in the study process. One of these study tools is an explanation of the answer of the Question of the Day. This can be important if you answered the question incorrectly, as it will give you insight into why you got the question wrong. There is also a link to relevant concepts that will lead you to more questions on the same topic. This can be a good way to both review and test yourself on the topic before you move on to other concepts within your AP Environmental Science study plan.
Along with helpful information, there are a number of statistical tools on the results page. These can help you gauge your abilities against others, as well as against yourself. One of these statistics is your scoring percentile, which measures how well you did on the question against others who have answered that question. By keeping track of your scoring percentile, you can see how your AP Environmental Science review is progressing. Also provided is the amount of time it took you to answer the question, which can help you gauge where you may need to brush up on your skills. Since you will need to answer quickly and accurately on test day, it’s a good idea to keep track of this statistic. Finally, once you’ve taken the time to test yourself on the Question of the Day, be sure and let others in on this great way to work toward improving your test-taking abilities by sharing the question on social media. There are a number of different ways to share the Question of the Day, including direct links to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. There’s even an embedding tool to add it to your own website, if you like.
With the help of the Question of the Day, you have an opportunity to do a little AP Environmental Science preparation each day. Using this Learning Tool, you can work toward becoming more efficient and comfortable with the concepts you’ll need to know on test day.
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