All SSAT Elementary Level Math Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #90 : How To Add
If I have dimes and
nickel, how many cents do I have?
Each dime is worth and each nickel is worth
We have two dimes and one nickel.
Example Question #2581 : Numbers And Operations
If I have pennies and
nickels, how many cents do I have?
Each penny is worth and each nickel is worth
We have six pennies and three nickels.
Example Question #93 : How To Add
If I have nickels and
dimes, how many cents do I have?
Each nickel is worth and each dime is worth
We have three nickels and three dimes.
Example Question #1521 : How To Add
If I have quarter and
nickels, how many cents do I have?
Each quarter is worth and each nickel is worth
We have one quarter and two nickels.
Example Question #2361 : Operations
If I have dimes and
pennies, how many cents do I have?
Each dime is worth and each penny is worth
We have five dimes and five pennies.
Example Question #1522 : How To Add
If I have dimes and
pennies, how many cents do I have?
Each dime is worth and each penny is worth
We have three dimes and eight pennies.
Example Question #12 : Counting The Number Of Objects
Select the answer with one triangle.
The number as a word is one.
Example Question #101 : Count Within 1000 By 1s, 5s, 10s, And 100s, Ccss.Math.Content.2.Nbt.A.2
What is the missing number? __________,
In this series we are counting by . When counting by
is between
Example Question #21 : Generate And Identify A Number Or Shape Pattern That Follows A Given Rule: Ccss.Math.Content.4.Oa.C.5
Which sequence below follows the rule of adding
The only sequence from above that adds each time is
Example Question #5 : Add Fractions With Unlike Denominators
In order to solve this problem, we first have to find common denominators.
Now that we have common denominators, we can add the fractions. Remember, when we add and subtract fractions, we only add or subtract the numerator.
can go into
one time with
left over.
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All SSAT Elementary Level Math Resources