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Free Computer Science Diagnostic Tests
All Computer Science Resources
Free Computer Science Practice Tests
The Computer Science content on the Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools website is designed to help you revise and evaluate your testing ability in a number of areas related to computer science and mathematics. The material covers a number of subjects, such as software systems, computer organization, theory and mathematics, calculus, and linear algebra. While studying Computer Science may seem overwhelming at times, Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools provides a number of resources designed to help strengthen your Computer Science knowledge.
Along with thousands of detailed flashcards, a comprehensive learning curriculum, and daily questions, Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools gives you access to many free Computer Science practice tests. Each of these resources is designed to maximize your Computer Science review while helping you get a feel for the content. The free Computer Science practice tests are easy to access and are available to take at your convenience, so you are able to study whenever is best for you. Moreover, the online practice tests are organized into concepts to make searching for the appropriate test easier. Some of the available Computer Science topics include program design, program analysis, program implementation, and standard operations. Each of these sections has tests that are arranged by difficulty level.
The free Computer Science study material covers a broad range of topics. By utilizing the online Computer Science practice tests and becoming familiar with the material present in a number of Computer Science courses, you have the resources to help you develop a better understanding of the key concepts. Plus, every Computer Science example question comes with a detailed explanation. You are provided with useful definitions, formulas, and details about an answer. The explanations help you with Computer Science study by simplifying difficult material.
Once you have completed the Computer Science practice tests online, you will be given a detailed summary of your results. Here, you can see the correct answers to each question, have a look at the difficulty of each Computer Science sample question, and see where you place in the percentile ranking. You can also take a look at how much time you spent on each question and compare it to the average time taken to answer that question. By having this information readily available, you can analyze and make changes to your current study plan so that you can maximize your studying efficiency.
When you are ready to test your knowledge, you can take a full-length Computer Science practice test. The full-length tests are 40 questions long and cover all of the major topics that may be present on an actual exam. It is an excellent way to prepare yourself for standardized testing while being able to see an overall picture of your performance. After you finish the practice test, be sure to share your data with your friends and study partners via the social media sharing links. If you are keen on learning in a group setting, this is an ideal way to study together. Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools Computer Science review materials are a valuable resource when reviewing Computer Science on your own or with a study group.
Practice Tests by Concept
Object-oriented program design practice test
computer_science-object-oriented-program-designClass design practice test
computer_science-class-designClass inheritance practice test
computer_science-class-inheritanceClass libraries practice test
computer_science-class-librariesClass relationships practice test
computer_science-class-relationshipsDesigning classes practice test
computer_science-designing-classesProgram design practice test
computer_science-program-designChoosing appropriate data structures practice test
computer_science-choosing-appropriate-data-structuresRecognizing class hierarchy practice test
computer_science-recognizing-class-hierarchyUsing functional decomposition practice test
computer_science-using-functional-decompositionProgram analysis practice test
computer_science-program-analysisAlgorithm analysis practice test
computer_science-algorithm-analysisComparing run times practice test
computer_science-comparing-run-timesCounting statement executions practice test
computer_science-counting-statement-executionsDebugging practice test
computer_science-debuggingCompile time errors practice test
computer_science-compile-time-errorsLogic errors practice test
computer_science-logic-errorsRun time errors practice test
computer_science-run-time-errorsProgram correctness practice test
computer_science-program-correctnessAssertions practice test
computer_science-assertionsPost-conditions practice test
computer_science-post-conditionsTesting practice test
computer_science-testingUnit testing practice test
computer_science-unit-testingProgram implementation practice test
computer_science-program-implementationImplementation techniques practice test
computer_science-implementation-techniquesInformation hiding practice test
computer_science-information-hidingObject-oriented development practice test
computer_science-object-oriented-developmentProcedural abstraction practice test
computer_science-procedural-abstractionTop-down development practice test
computer_science-top-down-developmentProgramming constructs practice test
computer_science-programming-constructsConsole output practice test
computer_science-console-outputConstant declarations practice test
computer_science-constant-declarationsInterface declarations practice test
computer_science-interface-declarationsMethod declarations practice test
computer_science-method-declarationsParameter declarations practice test
computer_science-parameter-declarationsRecursion practice test
computer_science-recursionVariable declarations practice test
computer_science-variable-declarationsStandard data structures practice test
computer_science-standard-data-structuresCommon data structures practice test
computer_science-common-data-structuresArrays practice test
computer_science-arraysLists practice test
computer_science-listsStrings practice test
computer_science-stringsTrees practice test
computer_science-treesPrimitive data types practice test
computer_science-primitive-data-typesBoolean practice test
computer_science-booleanDouble practice test
computer_science-doubleEvaluating boolean expressions practice test
computer_science-evaluating-boolean-expressionsEvaluating numerical expressions practice test
computer_science-evaluating-numerical-expressionsEvaluating string expressions practice test
computer_science-evaluating-string-expressionsInt practice test
computer_science-intStandard operations & algorithms practice test
computer_science-standard-operations-algorithmsOperations on data structures practice test
computer_science-operations-on-data-structuresDeletions practice test
computer_science-deletionsInsertions practice test
computer_science-insertionsTraversals practice test
computer_science-traversalsSearching practice test
computer_science-searchingBinary practice test
computer_science-binarySequential practice test
computer_science-sequentialSorting practice test
computer_science-sortingInsertion sort practice test
computer_science-insertion-sortMergesort practice test
computer_science-mergesortSelection sort practice test
computer_science-selection-sortAll Computer Science Resources
Practice Quizzes
Computer Science Problem Set 5
computer_science_5Computer Science Problem Set 4
computer_science_4Computer Science Problem Set 3
computer_science_3Computer Science Problem Set 2
computer_science_2Computer Science Problem Set 1
computer_science_1All Computer Science Resources