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Example Questions
Example Question #211 : First And Second Derivatives Of Functions
In exponentially decaying systems, often times the solutions to differential equations take on the form of an integral called Duhamel's Integral. This is given by:
Where is a constant and is a function that represents an external force.
Taking one derivative with respect to , determine which of the following differential equations satisfies.
Taking one time derivative we get:
Example Question #412 : Derivative Review
Find the derivative of the function:
The derivative of the function is equal to
and was found using the following rules:
, , ,
Example Question #411 : Derivative Review
Find the derivative of the function:
The derivative of the function is equal to
and was found using the following rules:
, ,
Example Question #414 : Derivative Review
Find the absolute maxima of the following function on the given interval:
on the interval
To find the absolute extrema of a function on a closed interval, one must first take the first derivative of the function.
The derviatve of this function by the power rule is as follows:
The relative extrema is when the first derivative is equal to 0, that is, there is a change in slope.
Solving for x when it is equal to zero derives:
Diving by 6 and factoring gives or however, since we are concerned with the interval (-2,0) our x value is -1.
We now however must find the value of f(x) at -1
Example Question #211 : First And Second Derivatives Of Functions
Example Question #1541 : Calculus Ii
Example Question #1542 : Calculus Ii
Example Question #1541 : Calculus Ii
Example Question #415 : Derivative Review
Example Question #416 : Derivative Review
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