Communication is the imparting or exchanging of information or news. It is vitally important in all fields and in all series of studies, from high school writing through graduate-level doctoral examinations and dissertation composition. While you have long worked on the skills needed for expressing yourself and your arguments in writing, it is helpful to review the most fundamental aspects of presenting arguments succinctly and directly. When applying to graduate school, it is likely that you will have to take a test of written expression as a part of your application package. While this will provide an important metric for your evaluators, do not overlook the importance of the GRE's Analytical Writing section. Analytical Writing is commonly required in academic writing to show relationships between pieces of information. It is used to compare and contrast, assess, and evaluate.
Having evolved from the older logical examination section of the GRE, the Analytical Writing section provides you with the opportunity to show how readily you can present your thoughts. You will also be asked to present your logical arguments, number of approaches, theories, methodologies, and conclusions in a timed environment. This means you are required to focus your critical thinking skills with laser-like precision in a short period of time. These skills are, of course, necessary for any good paper and general statement that you might provide with your graduate school applications. However, this does not examine your logical reasoning skills with the rigor and time limitations as provided by the GRE's Analytical Writing section. Therefore, this section provides an important metric for those who are considering your academic and intellectual abilities for potential graduate school admissions.
Personal tutoring is a great way to sharpen these skills quickly and efficiently while you are preparing for test day. Are you afraid to learn in a group setting? Prefer to be one-on-one with a tutor? Have a busy schedule and need online instruction? The Varsity Tutors educational directors will help you to build a personal profile and help you to get connected with a personal tutor who has your ultimate goals in mind. He or she can help you gain the needed focus in your writing style, helping you to learn how to approach your essays with a keen eye and an ability to respond rapidly to the prompt in question. The tutors will also meet you where you are, figuratively and literally. If you need to study in the evening at a coffee shop, your tutor will meet you. If you desire an accommodation for your busy schedule, face-to-face online sessions conducted through our live learning platform are also available upon request. Your tutor, who is knowledgeable in this field, will also consider your current level of experience and prior completed course work.
For example, for the argument essay, your tutor can teach you how to spot logical errors in the prompt and to critique them in a convincing manner. For the issue essay, he or she can teach you the skills needed to establish a response position that succinctly and effectively presents an argument for or against the proposed topic. Given the time limits of these sections, it is necessary to be ready to hit the ground running when you are presented with a prompt. GRE Analytical Writing tutoring can help you develop such abilities, giving you the tools needed to succeed on this important section of the GRE. No time is better than the present to begin preparing for test day. Contact Varsity Tutors to discuss the advantages of GRE Analytical Writing tutoring and let our educational directors connect you with a tutor today!