AP World History : Political Protest, Reforms, and Revolution 1750 to 1900

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Example Question #31 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1750 To 1900

Toussaint-L’ouverture notably fought for the independence of __________.

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



Toussaint-L'ouverture led a series of slave rebellions on the French colony of Saint Domingue. These rebellions culminated in 1800 with the successful liberation of slaves living in Haiti and the eventual establishment of the Haitian Republic.

Example Question #32 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1750 To 1900

Defeat in the Crimean War __________.

Possible Answers:

led Russia towards an isolationist policy

led Russia directly to revolution and the overthrow of the monarchy

led to a massive loss of territory for the Ottoman Empire

led to a series of modernizing reforms in Russia

led to a massive loss of territory for the Russian Empire

Correct answer:

led to a series of modernizing reforms in Russia


Defeat in the Crimean War led to a series of modernizing reforms in Russian society, including the emancipation of the serfs, the reorganization of the judicial system, and the encouragement of the growth of heavy industry and manufacturing.

Example Question #33 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1750 To 1900

The French Revolution took place during the reign of __________.

Possible Answers:

Henry IV

Louis XIV

Napoleon Bonaparte

Louis XVI

Napoleon III

Correct answer:

Louis XVI


The French Revolution began in 1789 during the reign of the Bourbon monarch Louis XVI. Louis was executed in the early stages of the Revolution.

Example Question #34 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1750 To 1900

Miguel Hidalgo is notable for the role he played in __________.

Possible Answers:

the Mexican campaign for independence

the Haitian Revolution

the annexation of California by the United States

the formation of the government of Gran Colombia

the Texan campaign for independence

Correct answer:

the Mexican campaign for independence


Miguel Hidalgo was a Catholic priest who inspired a peasant rebellion during the early stages of the Mexican campaign for independence. Hidalgo was executed a full decade before Mexican independence was achieved, but for his lasting impact in the movement he is often remembered as the Father of the Mexican nation.

Example Question #35 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1750 To 1900

The primary goal of the Self Strengthening Movement was to __________.

Possible Answers:

train a well-armed militia in case of invasion from Japan

reduce poverty and improve literacy, particularly among the peasant class

reinforce Confucian teachings and remove the influence of western religions

eradicate China’s cultural traditions and replace them with western traditions

modernize the military and adopt western technology

Correct answer:

modernize the military and adopt western technology


The Self Strengthening Movement began in China in 1861, in the wake of China’s defeat to Britain in the Opium Wars. The goal of the movement was to modernize the Chinese military and adopt some aspects of western technology.

Example Question #61 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution

The Sepoy Rebellion occurred during __________.

Possible Answers:

British occupation of India

Mughal occupation of India

The Great Partition

the Presidency of Indira Gandhi

the Presidency of Jawaharlal Nehru

Correct answer:

British occupation of India


The Sepoy Rebellion occurred in British occupied India in 1857. The Sepoys were Indian soldiers who served in the armed forces of the British East India Company, who administered the Indian subcontinent directly prior to the Sepoy Rebellion. The rebellion began due to British abuses of the Hindu and Muslim troops serving in the armed forces and was quelled when the British government stepped in and began to oversee the administration of India directly (removing the East India Company from ultimate authority). The Sepoy Rebellion is usually called the First Indian War of Independence in India.

Example Question #36 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1750 To 1900

As a result of the Sepoy Rebellion __________.

Possible Answers:

the British East India Company took direct control of India

the British government took direct control of India

Bangladesh gained its independence from Pakistan

India gained its independence from Britain

The Indian subcontinent was divided into two countries - India and Pakistan

Correct answer:

the British government took direct control of India


Prior to the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857 the Indian subcontinent was administered by the British East India Company. However, after the outbreak of violence and rebellion in 1857 the British government took direct control of India (a period known as the rule of the British Raj) so as to prevent further disorder.

Example Question #63 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution

Otto von Bismarck is often remembered as __________.

Possible Answers:

a successful German military leader during the early years of World War One

a leading academic figure in the field of utopian socialism

the driving force behind the unification of Germany

an early advocate for Marxism

the man who led the unification of East and West Germany

Correct answer:

the driving force behind the unification of Germany


Otto von Bismarck was a conservative chancellor of Prussia and Germany in the second-half of the nineteenth century. He is remembered for leading the unification of Germany through his able diplomacy and timely military conquests. His efforts ensured that Germany would be unified at the exclusion of Austria, and would therefore be dominated by the Prussian state. He also is remembered for preserving the balance of power in Europe in the 1870s and 1880s.

Example Question #62 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution

Simon Bolivar is a notable figure in the __________.

Possible Answers:

Haitian Revolution

Mexican campaign for independence from Spain

American Revolution

South American campaign for independence from Spain

French Revolution

Correct answer:

South American campaign for independence from Spain


Simon Bolivar fought for South American independence from the Spanish Empire in the early nineteenth century. Bolivar was inspired by the enlightenment ideas he was exposed to during his education in Spain and returned to Latin America to lead the campaign for independence. His actions contributed to the independence of Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and Bolivia. Bolivar served as President of Gran Colombia from its formation in 1819 until its demise in 1830.

Example Question #65 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution

Which of these statements best describes the Haitian Revolution?

Possible Answers:

A slave revolt that was quickly suppressed, but served as an example to other slave colonies

A slave revolt that developed into an independence movement

An independence movement that developed into a slave revolt

An independence movement led by soldiers from Napoleon’s army returning from Europe

An independence movement led by the plantation owners against French rule

Correct answer:

A slave revolt that developed into an independence movement


The Haitian Revolution began as a series of slave revolts led by Toussaint-L’ouverture in the 1790s. The successes of the rebellion encouraged L’ouverture and others to transform the slave rebellion into an independence movement. Although L’ouverture was captured and imprisoned in France, the fight continued in his absence and, in 1804, Jean-Jacques Dessalines declared the independence of the Haitian republic.

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