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Free AP US Government Practice Tests
Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools provides free AP U.S. Government Practice Tests to help you brush up on your knowledge and skills. They cover many different topics. The goal is to identify both your strong points and the weaknesses which you can improve upon. Practice questions, combined with a number of full-length and concept-specific practice tests, give you an opportunity to take nearly 200 different tests to evaluate your AP U.S. Government and AP United States Government and Politics Exam skills. The test is currently a two-hour and twenty-five-minute test, including a multiple-choice section of 60 questions and a free-response section. On Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools, you’ll find a comprehensive AP U.S. Government review with one of the most comprehensive ranges of materials you’ll find online.
There are a variety of short AP U.S. Government Practice Tests arranged by concept. These brief exercises cover civil rights, constitutional amendments, court cases, political ideals, national government institutions, bureaucracy, and Congress. You’ll also find practice tests on institutional relationships, the presidency, political parties, public policy, and special interests subjects covered on the AP U.S. Government exam. These are in addition to the dozens of 10- or 12-question comprehensive Practice Quizzes available that test your working knowledge of how the nation’s government functions.
The Learning Tools for AP U.S. Government study help also include a range of full-length practice tests as well, which provide 60 questions each. They provide a more thorough assessment of your knowledge, and more thorough opportunities to track and compare your scores. At the end of each quiz and test, you are presented with feedback that shows the distribution of questions answered correctly. Plus, the system does more than provide a score. It also provides an assessment of how many test-takers you outscored, graphs of the time spent on each question, and the percentage of those who answered each question correctly. A review explains all the answers and provides even more metrics to assist you in evaluating your performance.
The online AP U.S. Government practice tests can help you identify what you already know and use the material to brush up on your knowledge. They can also help supplement what you learn in class and give you a taste of what the Advanced Placement exam will be like. Using the Learning Tools to create an individualized AP U.S. Government study plan that can help you in your preparation for the AP U.S. Government exam. You can even share your results and progress on social media to work together with friends and make studying a group experience.
A little practice outside of class goes a long way. It can even be fun, and Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools let you explore AP U.S. Government exam preparation in a new and exciting way. Your performance and percentile are scored the same way as the real test. The increased exposure to the concepts covered in the class can help you feel more prepared when the exam asks you to demonstrate your knowledge of how the government and its history have shaped the way our country functions.
Practice Tests by Concept
Civil rights, amendments, and court cases practice test
ap_us_government-civil-rights-amendments-and-court-casesCivil rights practice test
ap_us_government-civil-rightsFreedom of speech, assembly, and expression practice test
ap_us_government-freedom-of-speech-assembly-and-expressionHistory and evolution of civil rights practice test
ap_us_government-history-and-evolution-of-civil-rightsOther civil rights practice test
ap_us_government-other-civil-rightsRights of minority groups practice test
ap_us_government-rights-of-minority-groupsRights of the accused practice test
ap_us_government-rights-of-the-accusedRole of courts in civil rights practice test
ap_us_government-role-of-courts-in-civil-rightsWomen's rights practice test
ap_us_government-women-s-rightsConstitutional amendments practice test
ap_us_government-constitutional-amendmentsConstitutional amendments practice test
ap_us_government-constitutional-amendmentsImpact of constitutional amendments practice test
ap_us_government-impact-of-constitutional-amendmentsInterpretation of constitutional amendments practice test
ap_us_government-interpretation-of-constitutional-amendmentsThe bill of rights practice test
ap_us_government-the-bill-of-rightsCourt cases practice test
ap_us_government-court-casesImpact of notable court cases practice test
ap_us_government-impact-of-notable-court-casesInterpretation of court case verdicts practice test
ap_us_government-interpretation-of-court-case-verdictsNotable court cases practice test
ap_us_government-notable-court-casesConstitution and government foundations practice test
ap_us_government-constitution-and-government-foundationsConstructing the constitution practice test
ap_us_government-constructing-the-constitutionBill of rights practice test
ap_us_government-bill-of-rightsConcerns and fears practice test
ap_us_government-concerns-and-fearsConstitutional convention practice test
ap_us_government-constitutional-conventionFederalism practice test
ap_us_government-federalismInfluencing philosophies practice test
ap_us_government-influencing-philosophiesPolitical figures and constitutional framers practice test
ap_us_government-political-figures-and-constitutional-framersSeparation of powers practice test
ap_us_government-separation-of-powersModern impacts of the constitution practice test
ap_us_government-modern-impacts-of-the-constitutionConstitutional interpretations practice test
ap_us_government-constitutional-interpretationsDemocratic theory practice test
ap_us_government-democratic-theoryElitism practice test
ap_us_government-elitismPluralism practice test
ap_us_government-pluralismFundamental political beliefs practice test
ap_us_government-fundamental-political-beliefsPolitical ideals and beliefs practice test
ap_us_government-political-ideals-and-beliefsCitizen role in politics practice test
ap_us_government-citizen-role-in-politicsFactors that influence beliefs in politics practice test
ap_us_government-factors-that-influence-beliefs-in-politicsForming political beliefs practice test
ap_us_government-forming-political-beliefsPolitical education practice test
ap_us_government-political-educationPolitical participation practice test
ap_us_government-political-participationMass political movements and demonstrations practice test
ap_us_government-mass-political-movements-and-demonstrationsOther political participation practice test
ap_us_government-other-political-participationProtests practice test
ap_us_government-protestsVoting practice test
ap_us_government-votingNational government institutions practice test
ap_us_government-national-government-institutionsBureaucracy practice test
ap_us_government-bureaucracyBureaucracy procedures practice test
ap_us_government-bureaucracy-proceduresPolitical role of the bureaucracy practice test
ap_us_government-political-role-of-the-bureaucracyStructure of the bureaucracy practice test
ap_us_government-structure-of-the-bureaucracyCongress practice test
ap_us_government-congressCongressional procedures practice test
ap_us_government-congressional-proceduresPolitical role of congress practice test
ap_us_government-political-role-of-congressStructure of congress practice test
ap_us_government-structure-of-congressFederal courts practice test
ap_us_government-federal-courtsFederal court procedures practice test
ap_us_government-federal-court-proceduresPolitical role of the federal courts practice test
ap_us_government-political-role-of-the-federal-courtsStructure of the federal courts practice test
ap_us_government-structure-of-the-federal-courtsInstitutional relationships practice test
ap_us_government-institutional-relationshipsRelationships between federal institutions practice test
ap_us_government-relationships-between-federal-institutionsRelationships with interest groups practice test
ap_us_government-relationships-with-interest-groupsRelationships with media practice test
ap_us_government-relationships-with-mediaRelationships with state institutions practice test
ap_us_government-relationships-with-state-institutionsRelationships with the public practice test
ap_us_government-relationships-with-the-publicPresidency practice test
ap_us_government-presidencyPolitical role of the presidency practice test
ap_us_government-political-role-of-the-presidencyPresidential procedures practice test
ap_us_government-presidential-proceduresStructure of the presidency practice test
ap_us_government-structure-of-the-presidencyPolitical parties and elections practice test
ap_us_government-political-parties-and-electionsElections practice test
ap_us_government-electionsElection laws practice test
ap_us_government-election-lawsFederal election proceedings practice test
ap_us_government-federal-election-proceedingsState election proceedings practice test
ap_us_government-state-election-proceedingsVoting and participation practice test
ap_us_government-voting-and-participationPolitical parties practice test
ap_us_government-political-partiesAdvantages and disadvantages of political parties practice test
ap_us_government-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-political-partiesCampaigning and financial implications practice test
ap_us_government-campaigning-and-financial-implicationsEvolution of the party system practice test
ap_us_government-evolution-of-the-party-systemHistoric political parties practice test
ap_us_government-historic-political-partiesImpact on elections practice test
ap_us_government-impact-on-electionsImpact on political functionality practice test
ap_us_government-impact-on-political-functionalityModern political parties practice test
ap_us_government-modern-political-partiesPublic policy practice test
ap_us_government-public-policyFormation of policies practice test
ap_us_government-formation-of-policiesGroups influencing public policy practice test
ap_us_government-groups-influencing-public-policyPolicy agendas practice test
ap_us_government-policy-agendasImplementation and impact of policies practice test
ap_us_government-implementation-and-impact-of-policiesEnactment of public policy practice test
ap_us_government-enactment-of-public-policyIron triangle practice test
ap_us_government-iron-trianglePolicy networks practice test
ap_us_government-policy-networksPolicy relations practice test
ap_us_government-policy-relationsForeign relations practice test
ap_us_government-foreign-relationsRelationship with federalism practice test
ap_us_government-relationship-with-federalismRelationship with interest groups and parties practice test
ap_us_government-relationship-with-interest-groups-and-partiesSpecial interests and mass media practice test
ap_us_government-special-interests-and-mass-mediaInterest groups practice test
ap_us_government-interest-groupsImpact of interest groups in politics practice test
ap_us_government-impact-of-interest-groups-in-politicsLobbying and interest groups practice test
ap_us_government-lobbying-and-interest-groupsOrganization of interest groups practice test
ap_us_government-organization-of-interest-groupsParty affiliation and interest groups practice test
ap_us_government-party-affiliation-and-interest-groupsPolitical action committees practice test
ap_us_government-political-action-committeesMedia influence practice test
ap_us_government-media-influenceBias practice test
ap_us_government-biasCampaigning and elections in the media practice test
ap_us_government-campaigning-and-elections-in-the-mediaInfluence on public opinion practice test
ap_us_government-influence-on-public-opinionPortrayal and image of public figures practice test
ap_us_government-portrayal-and-image-of-public-figuresAll AP US Government Resources
Certified Tutor
Certified Tutor
All AP US Government Resources