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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Reproductive System
Which part of the male reproductive system is responsible for sperm storage and maturation?
Vas deferens
Seminal vesicles
Sperm cells are stored and mature in the epididymis until they are transported to the urethra through the vas deferens. The testes are the site of sperm production, while the seminal vesicles produce fluids that are later incorporated into semen.
Example Question #2 : Reproductive System
Which of the following glands contribute to the production of semen?
Bulbourethral glands
Seminal vesicles
Prostate gland
All of the other choices are correct
All of the other choices are correct
The seminal vesicles secrete seminal fluid to promote and nourish sperm as they are released. The bulbourethral glands secrete a component of seminal fluid, while the prostate gland secretes alkaline fluid.
Example Question #3 : Reproductive System
Which of the following is responsible for the production of germ cells?
Fallopian tubes
"Germ cells" is simply another term for gametes, and thus refers to either sperm or ovum.
Ovum are produced in the ovaries. After production, the fallopian tubes propel ovum to the uterus using the movement of cilia. The endometrium is the lining of the uterus, and allows for implantation of a fertilized ovum.
Example Question #1 : Reproductive System
Where does fertilization typically take place in the female?
Fallopian tubes
Fallopian tubes
In the majority of cases, fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes of the female. The egg is released from the ovary and travels into the fallopian tube during ovulation. Sperm travel to the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg, creating a zygote. The zygote begins to divide, forming a blastocyst before it reaches the uterus where it becomes embedded in the endometrium via the process of implantation. Certain pregnancy complications can arise if the blastocyst implants while still in the fallopian tube, resulting in ectopic pregnancy.
Example Question #4 : Reproductive System
What is the site of sperm maturation and storage in males?
Vas deferens
Seminiferous tubules
Sperm is created in the seminiferous tubules of the testes. It is then transported to the epididymis, where it will mature and be stored prior to ejaculation.
Example Question #5 : Reproductive System
The epididymis, vas deferens, and urethra are a series of ducts found in which body system?
Male reproductive
Male reproductive
The male reproductive system consists of a series of ducts, which includes the epididymis, vas deferens, and urethra. The epididymis is a coiled tube attached to the testis, which receives sperm from the seminiferous tubules. The vas deferens connects the epididymis with the urethra, which in turn conducts sperm to the tip of the penis.
Example Question #6 : Reproductive System
What term refers to the finger-like folds that line the fallopian tubes?
In female mammals, the fimbriae are finger-like projections that sweep the ovulated egg from the ovary into the oviduct.
Villi are found in the digestive tract and work to increase surface area for more efficient absorption of nutrients. Flagella are threadlike structures that provide motility for sperm. Microtubules are composed of the protein tubulin, and are used in the construction of cilia and flagella. The endoderm is the innermost embryonic tissue layer, which develops to form the lining of the respiratory and digestive tracts.
Example Question #1 : Understanding External Anatomy
Men and women are composed of the same cells, though distributed differently. Based on their cell composition, the _____ in boys is akin to the clitoris in girls.
The glans is the correct answer here. It is composes of the same types of cells as the clitoris.
Example Question #7 : Reproductive System
During embryonic development, which stage begins after the formation of 128 cells and terminates with germ layer differentiation?
Gastrula stage
Somitogenesis stage
Cleavage stage
Blastula stage
Zygote stage
Blastula stage
The blastula is defined as beginning following the cleavage stages. Following seven cleavages 128 cells have formed, and will later begin to form the differentiated layers of endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm before going into the gastrula stage.
Example Question #2 : Understanding Embryogenesis And Development
From what germ layer does the nervous system develop?
During gastrulation, the ectoderm begins to fold in on itself following the primitive streak. These neural folds form the basis of the neural tube, later developing into the adult nervous system.
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