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Example Questions
Example Question #61 : Functions And Lines
An infinite sequence begins as follows:
Assuming this pattern continues infinitely, what is the sum of the first one hundred terms?
This can be best solved by looking at this sum as follows:
with taken as an addend fifty times. This is equal to
Example Question #12 : How To Find F(X)
Define . Which function is equal to
Example Question #62 : Functions And Lines
Define and
What is ?
Example Question #63 : Functions And Lines
Define and
What is ?
Example Question #61 : Functions And Lines
Each of the four tables below defines a relationship between (domain) and
One of these tables does not define a function. Identified the table.
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
None of the above.
Table 3
In table 3 we see an value of 3 gets tranformed into 5, 7, 9 ,and 11 which is not possible for a function. Hence the relationship between
in Table 3 does not define a function.
Example Question #14 : Algebraic Functions
Each of the following 4 sets defines a relationship between and
. Which of these four sets defines a one-to-one function:
A =
C =
D =
Set D
Set B
Set C
Set A
Set A and Set B
Set A
Only in set A one can see that there is an unique value of for each value of
and similarly each of the
values maps into one and only one
value. Hence set A must define a one-to-one function.
Example Question #65 : Functions And Lines
Which of the following equations does not represent a function?
The correct answer is equation D. If we solve for we get
The fact that each value of gives us two values of
disqualifies it as a function.
Example Question #1 : Functions
Which of the following equations represents a one-to-one function:
Only equation B maps each value of into a unique value of
and in a similar way each and every value of
maps into one and only one value of
Example Question #66 : Functions And Lines
Test whether the given function is symmetric with respect to the -axis,
-axis, origin.
Not symmetric with respect to x axis, y axis, and the origin
y axis
x axis
All of the above
Not symmetric with respect to x axis, y axis, and the origin
It is not symmetric with respect the -axis
It is not symmetric with respect to the -axis
Hence multiplying by both sides we get
Hence it is not symmetric with respect to the origin.
Example Question #67 : Functions And Lines
A function is defined by the following set of ordered pairs:
What is its inverse?
The function does not have an inverse.
The function does not have an inverse.
The inverse of a function is the relation that switches the positions of the coordinates of each ordered pair. However, for a function to have an inverse, the result of those switches must itself be a function. The switches yield the relation
which is not a function, since the -coordinate 5 is paired with two
-coordinates, 1 and 5.
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