All SSAT Upper Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #311 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Decrepit is to dilapidated as __________ is to rowdy.
To begin with "decrepit" and "dilapidated" are synonyms of one another, both words mean in poor condition, falling down, in a state of disrepair. So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these is a synonym of "rowdy." "Rowdy" means boisterous, loud and out of control. This is closest in definition to "riotous" which means unruly, disorderly, out of control. Additionally, "transparent" means clear, allowing light to pass through; "translucent" means neither transparent nor opaque, allowing a small amount of light to pass through; "disconsolate" means feeling hopeless, incapable of being consoled; "resilient" means capable of bouncing back from hardship or suffering, determined, not easily defeated.
Example Question #312 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Pleonastic is to tautological as __________ is to irritable.
To begin with "pleonastic" and "tautological" are synonyms, both words mean using more words than is necessary to express an idea, overly verbose. So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these is a synonym of "irritable." The correct answer is "querulous" which means whining, complaining, petulant, irritable, easily annoyed. Additionally, "pulchritudinous" means beautiful; "debonair" means dashing, charming and attractive; "sagacious" means wise; "dormant" means at rest, sleeping, inactive.
Example Question #313 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
__________ is to adverse as actionable is to illegal.`
To begin with "actionable" means illegal, being sufficiently illegal so that action needs to be taken against it. So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these is a synonym of "adverse" which means harmful, unfavorable. The closest answer choice is "pernicious" which means damaging, harmful, causing damage over time. Additionally, "ribald" means vulgar, inappropriate; "garrulous" means talkative; "fraudulent" means fake, inauthentic, not genuine; "beneficial" means helpful, useful.
Example Question #314 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Solicitude is to __________ as solitude is to isolation.
To begin with "isolation" and "solitude" are synonyms, both words refer to the condition of being alone. So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these is a synonym of "solicitude." The correct answer is "concern," because "solicitude" means care and concern for someone.
Example Question #315 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Chicanery is to deception as carnival is to __________.
"Chicanery" and "deception" are synonyms, both words mean trickiness, duplicity, deceit. So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these answer choices is a synonym of "carnival." A "carnival" is a festival, a large party, a celebration. This is closest in meaning to "revelry" which is lively and usually debauched festivities, a wild party. Additionally, "harmony" is peace and agreement, a lack of conflict; "libel" is defamation, slander, a published work that attacks the reputation (often falsely) of someone or something; "levity" is lack of seriousness, lightness (of a situation); "simony" is the buying or selling of favors and privileges within the Catholic Church.
Example Question #316 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Extemporize is to improvise as arbitrate is to __________.
To begin with "extemporize" and "improvise" are synonyms of one another, both words mean to perform or produce something without practice, to do something 'on-the-spot.' So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these words is a synonym of "arbitrate" which means make a ruling about, judge, decide the outcome of a conflict between two people. This is identical in meaning to "adjudicate." Additionally, "allocate" means assign, give to; "placate" means assuage, calm, soothe; "postulate" means hypothesize, suggest something could be true; "prognosticate" means make a prediction about the future.
Example Question #315 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Resign is to accept as _______________.
define is to write
suspect is to charge
rebel is to challenge
neglect is to attend
inherit is to support
rebel is to challenge
To "resign" is to accept that something undesirable can’t be changed or avoided. (“You had better resign yourself to the fact that you are going to have at least three hours of homework per night.”) So to resign is to accept a situation. Resign and accept can also be looked at as synonyms.
Is to inherit to support a situation? No. If you "inherit" something, it's given to you from a former owner or relative. You can, for example, inherit a million dollars from Uncle Harry, or you can inherit your good looks from your dad or mom. You could inherit a financial mess when you take over as CEO of a corporation. But either way, the bridge between the stem words, resign and accept, doesn’t work between inherit and support.
If you "rebel," do you challenge a situation? Yes. The words have the same bridge as "resign" and "accept," and can also be thought of as synonyms. So "rebel is to challenge" is the correct answer.
If you define, do you write a situation? No. There’s a sort of connection because if you "define" a word, you might write its meaning, but that’s not the same bridge as the the one connecting resign and accept.
If you "suspect," do you charge a situation? No. If you "suspect" someone is guilty of something, you may charge them with a crime, but again, it’s not the same connection as resign and accept have, so it’s out.
To "neglect" is the opposite of attend, so that's out as well.
Example Question #317 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Lengthen is to extend as shorten is to ______________.
"Lengthen" and "extend" are synonyms. The correct answer will be a synonym of "shorten." "Truncate" means to make shorter.
Example Question #318 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Flagrant is to brazen as __________ is to unremarkable.
"Flagrant" and "blatant" are synonyms; both words refer to things that are obviously and overtly offensive or in violation of the rules. To solve this analogy, you need to determine which of the answer choices is a synonym of "unremarkable." "Unremarkable" means not distinctive or having no features worth remaking on. So, the correct answer is "nondescript." Additionally, "acrimonious" refers to conflict and means bitter and spiteful; "grave" means serious and potentially threatening; "truculent" means aggressive; and "boisterous" refers to behavior and means rowdy, loud, and hard to control.
Example Question #319 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Embalm is to __________ as mete is to allot.
"Mete" and "allot" are synonyms; both words mean to distribute or share out among multiple people. To solve this analogy, you need to determine which of the answer choices is closest in meaning to "embalm." "Embalm" means to preserve a corpse and not allow it to decay, so "preserve" is the best answer. Additionally, "tantalize" means tease and excite; "strut" means walk in an exaggerated fashion suggesting confidence; "soothe" means calm or make feel better; and "convene" means meet up or gather together for a meeting.
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All SSAT Upper Level Verbal Resources