Make Use Of Your Time in High School, You Will Never Get it Back by Tailin

Tailinof Kingsport's entry into Varsity Tutor's November 2018 scholarship contest

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Tailin of Kingsport, TN
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Make Use Of Your Time in High School, You Will Never Get it Back by Tailin - November 2018 Scholarship Essay

I am an athlete. I am also a leader who loves to participate in school government. I am an artist whose outlet is the in the music hall as well as the art room and the makeup mirror. All of these things have been compacted into my body to create a unique lens for my eyes to look through.
Sports have been a part of my life since I was born. I was adopted into a family with many passions and sports was top three. My father had been an all-star athlete with track and football scholarships coming to him from major universities like Michigan State. My athleticism beings with gymnastics, the epitome of discipline. I had been enrolled so I had a way to release my energy. Slowly, I gained new skills and climbed through the levels. I had become so invested that my school’s gym class credit was replaced by my 20 hours at the gymnastics facility in San Antonio, Texas. After years of committing to a sport that gave me sprained ankles, busted lips, the occasional bad fall out of a tumbling pass and my family’s decision to move to Tennessee, I had decided to walk away from the 4-inch wide beam that I called my “frenemy”. Upon arrival in Tennessee, I decided I wanted to pick up another sport. Being a gymnast for so many years, it was recommended to me that I do competitive cheerleading. I started out at level three and fell in love. I learned of a motivation that was inspired by the need to achieve. I wanted to be challenged and as a result, I became one of the best athletes on the cheer floor. The stunt group I was in hit our skills perfect on the first warm-up, every time and were placed center because of our consistent effort and awareness of what we were doing. My motivation did not stop there, though. I went to privates and open gyms so I could work on my individual skills such as tumbling and jumping. I worked constantly learning that if I wanted something, it was not going to be handed to me. I soon became one of the best tumblers on my team and was the only one able to perform certain skills. My coaches and teammates recognized my tenacity and began to look up to me and rely on me for advice and encouragement. I became a team leader even though I was too young to be given the title team captain.
The student council has given me insights into the racing society that occurs outside of the classroom and within the building structure. Multiple meetings and projects throughout the school years have given me knowledge of those that surround me every day. My peers and I work together to make the school a comfortable place for all rather than four walls that induce the tears of a struggling student. My mission as a student council member is to provide a lax environment for students of all backgrounds. This motive has not only given me status within the club, but it has also given me another filter: the notion of an entirely new realm that contains that students of my high school engaging in healthy activities that benefit the school as well as their mental well-being.
While student council supports society within the school, National Beta club has taught me to give with the hopes of creating a better community. I am a beta club officer which means that I have the opportunity to hold my own community service project. I can gather a group of students passionate about animals and volunteer at our towns Animal shelter, or paint the nails of the elderly that can no longer do it themselves. This activity is about giving back to the community that gives so much to us. I have made cards and care packages for those across seas, prepared lunches for the underprivileged, and given shoes to those without proper footwear. These activities have prepared me to understand that life will not always be in my favor. I have learned gratitude and how vital it is to help those who have not been as fortunate as me. Those who have been abandoned by those who claimed “love”, those who have had everything taken from them in a matter of seconds. Domestic violence, natural disasters, wars, mental disorders; all of these titles have people who need assistance. If I were to end up as a victim of one or many of these titles, would I not want aid as well? Letting those out there know that their people who know their situation and are willing to help, could not only bring a smile, but save a life. As a result of these activities sponsored by the club, I have taken these human experiences and added them my collection of mental lenses.
These activities and interests show that enjoy being involved and active in my school and community. I love learning new things and being with others that share my love. Making use of my time in high school will give me memories, and skills that will resonate with me forever. And because of that love, I have decided my high school yearbook quote will be: make use of your time in high school you will never get it back.
