Leaving a Legacy of Compassion Through Rehabilitation by Sydney

Sydney's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2025 scholarship contest

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Leaving a Legacy of Compassion Through Rehabilitation by Sydney - March 2025 Scholarship Essay

It’s a chilly March morning in the year 2035. My 5:00 am alarm blares; I rise from my bed, ready to take on another day. A mumbled “Alexa, what's the temperature outside?” comes from my toothpaste-filled mouth as I brush my teeth. As I head for the door, it dawns on me that I almost forgot my matcha latte in the fridge. “Yikes! That would’ve been tragic.” In a sea of disgruntled drivers struggling through morning rush hour, honking horns and making ‘creative gestures,’ I’m blasting my favorite song, singing to the top of my lungs, too happy to be bothered. I breeze through the doors and step into the physical therapy clinic; my co-workers greet me with beaming smiles. I open the office door labeled “Dr. Sydney Kirton, DPT” and set my latte down.

On my desk is a calendar full of scribbled notes; I glance at my schedule on the laptop and realize today is going to be a busy day. While it’s still quiet, I take a second to breathe and prepare for the day. I look around the room and smile admiringly at my wall. It’s almost completely full of colorful cards and doodles - sweet notes from my patients who have graduated from physical therapy. One in particular is from one of my first patients when I started clinicals: an athlete who hurt her knee. I always think of her because her injury reminds me of my own and how I got interested in this career in the first place.

As my eyes move across the room, my bedazzled soccer ball catches my eye. I started playing soccer when I was just five years old and played through college. Soccer has played a major role in my life and has served as the catalyst for my profession. When I got injured in high school, I was prescribed physical therapy, which sparked my interest in the profession. While rehabbing my knee, I was introduced to several exercises in physical therapy and became intrigued with how the body heals itself. This curiosity led me to reach out to local clinics and hospitals to express interest in volunteering there. I shadowed physical therapists in their daily routines and gained a sense of what private clinics and hospitals are like. I learned a lot about the field and gained a greater understanding of the PT world.

I continue looking around the room, and my eyes land on a younger picture of my now 17-year-old little sister, who has made a meaningful impact on my choice to pursue physical therapy. She was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy when she was born two months prematurely in 2017 and spent three months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). She struggled with things we take for granted daily, like walking; however, because of physical therapy, she has been able to live a better life. Her resilience constantly reminds me that it is not the awful things that happen to us but how we respond to them that makes the difference in the kind of life we lead. My sister’s courage and resilience are the biggest reasons why I became a Pediatric Physical Therapist (PT). My goal is to inspire children with injuries or life-long disabilities to gain their confidence back, be courageous, and heal their bodies.

I look up towards a canvas that has a simple phrase: “Of Purpose, With Purpose, On Purpose,” a quote by Peloton Instructor Tunde Oyeneyin, which has stuck with me since I was in high school. It reminds me of my life’s purpose: to help people. I believe in the concept of servant leadership and embody core values that are critical to being the best version of myself. I have always had a giving heart and love to volunteer. My mother recognized this early on in my life and exposed me to the world of service at a young age. She supported every 5k walk (on my tricycle), donation-bag full of clothes, toys, and shoes, and other ideas I had. I have continued volunteering and still give back to the community today. That reminds me to double-check my calendar. Yes, the free medical clinic I volunteer at is open this Saturday. I look back up at the canvas and smile because my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree from Louisiana State University Health hangs in a frame right under it. After graduating with my Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from Louisiana State University at Alexandria, I entered graduate school to continue pursuing my dream. I’m thankful for my college education because it has prepared me to have an amazing career. Without my degrees, I couldn’t help children heal through physical therapy.

The intercom quickly snaps me out of the trip down memory lane, my first patient of the day is here. I step onto the clinic floor full of fun, interactive toys and see a young girl, grasping her mother's hand. It’s her first appointment and I can tell she’s very nervous and unsure of what to expect. I reach my hand out to her and smile: “Hi, I’m Syd, ready to get started?” She smiles timidly, then takes my hand.
