The Mid Day Owl by Sydney

Sydneyof San Marcos's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2019 scholarship contest

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Sydney of San Marcos, CA
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The Mid Day Owl by Sydney - January 2019 Scholarship Essay

I am neither a morning nor a night owl. Despite the typical argument of the two options, I tend to gravitate to the middle of the two alternatives. The morning is my time to get into the proper mindset to tackle the day that I have planned out for myself. I make myself a tea, workout, and prepare for whatever I have scheduled. For example, when I am in school this would mean going over notes, getting in another study session, preparing for an upcoming speech, and packing all the materials I need for the day in my backpack. After completing these tasks it is usually around 11 a.m. which leads me to the mid day portion that I thrive in.
11 a.m. to around 6 p.m. are my busiest hours. This is when I complete the tasks I have meticulously planned out in my notebook. All my classes are completed during this time along with my best study sessions. During mid day I have the most energy to complete any task or obstacle the day throws at me. Even on weekends I sleep in and workout during that midday marker as well, and in all honesty my best and most effective workouts come from a workout in the time frame of 1-4 p.m. I push myself the hardest and am the most headstrong during this time. I am not only the most productive during this time, but I feel like I pay more attention in the classes that lie within this period. This semester I had classes from 9 a.m. to 8:15 p.m. and the classes that were in the mid day I got the highest A's in, and the classes that were in the morning and at night I received a lower grade of 94% and a 92%. In the afternoon I truly flourish unlike the morning or at night.
When night falls I am arguably the most unproductive person. At night I have already accomplished all the tasks for the day so I have no stressors or anything to worry about. Therefore I tend to make my nights my Zen time after my night shift at work. I work out once more if I can muster up the energy, but other than that I just relax. I prepare for the next day as much as I can, read some poetry from my favorite poet (and sometimes I write poetry as well), and take a shower. My nights are my time to decompress from my busy schedule. In conclusion I am neither a morning nor a night owl, I am an afternoon busy bee that prospers in the mid day.
