Leadership and someone who demonstrates it by Shriya

Shriya's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2024 scholarship contest

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Leadership and someone who demonstrates it by Shriya - May 2024 Scholarship Essay

Leadership for me, means that someone who sets a good example for others, and helps others go on the right path. Leadership is an extremely good quality to have, since it shows that you are someone who can be trusted. I have seen many people exhibit leadership, whether it’s in the park, school, the neighborhood, or even in a mall. Just like happiness, the quality of leadership is contagious. It’s almost like a snowballing effect, where one person keeps doing something better and setting a good example for multiple people.

Someone who has demonstrated leadership in my life is my mom, she works extensively but still has a smile on her face after work. Although she works at home, her work isn’t any less easier, in fact it’s actually harder. She has to wake up at around 7, make breakfast for the family, pack lunches, do chores, and on top of all that, work till late evening. It takes a lot of perseverance for someone to keep at this routine for years. Even after all that, she’ll still take some time to help me with my work. If I have a horrible day for some reason, she’ll be the first person to notice and talk to me about what I’m feeling. She’s the one who has shown me that, even after difficult times, to always keep going no matter what the situation is.

Of course, my dad has also been a huge role model for me, and also works extremely hard. Though the reason I wanted to talk about my mom is because, there are some things that only mom’s can help with. Such as; personal hygiene, how to transition from a girl to a woman, and many more. Mom’s are there to guide us no matter what, and that is why my mom is an excellent example of someone who demonstrates leadership.
