The Most Wonderful Place in the World by Rachel
Rachelof Tunnel Hill's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2019 scholarship contest
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The Most Wonderful Place in the World by Rachel - February 2019 Scholarship Essay
For most kids their dream was to run wild in a Toys-R-Us or a Target toy section, but for me it was completely different. I remember when mom would tell us we would have to go to this particular store to pick up my sister who had just spent the night with my Aunt. This glorious place just so happened our meeting place for typically every time we went to Chattanooga. I would practically jump into the car hours before we had to go pick up my sister just thinking about all of the cool things that I would find in the isles. Finally when the time came I would watch out my window until I saw the building approaching. When I finally saw it mom would turn around and tell me to keep my seat belt on, but secretly I unbuckled it anyways. I would beg my mom to let us go into the store until they got there, usually my request was denied because my mother knows how long it would take me to get out of there. However sometimes the stars would align, God would have answered my prayers and my mother would have to use the restroom. That was my ticket in the door. I would bust in through those double doors and stare at the tables, pointer hands, rainbow colored tables, and become immediately overwhelmed with where I wanted to go first. That happened every time my mother would take me into The School Box. I can remember how for one of my birthdays my mom bought me a school kit from the store. I would teach all of my stuffed animals as I lined them up on my bed and taught them anything and everything. I wore the fold up marker board to the ground. My mother told me that she had to take away the pointer finger because I would try to teach everyone at dinner. That never stopped me, I just found the cardboard paper towel tubes to use instead. For as long as I can remember I knew I was going to be a teacher. I had watched my grandmother, aunt, and mother go into this profession and It at first just seemed like the most natural thing for me to do. So at first when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would say “I’m going to be a teacher, that's what my mom is!” However as I have grown into my own person I have seen how I have realized that this is where the Lord has led me to do with my life. As I have started a job working in the school system I can see how my love for everyone of my kids have grown and how exciting it will be one day for me to have my own classroom to teach. I have noticed, especially my senior year, how I have seen myself blossom into a teacher, my classmates now ask me to spend time with them teaching them how to solve problems because of how well they say I explain problems. Even though this may seem like not necessarily an “dream job” to some, I can wait to start the journey of becoming someone that younger children look up to. So now when people ask me what my plans are after school I answer with “I am going into Early Childhood Education, because I want to make a difference”.